
Thursday, 5 January 2012

A Dream Where I was Shown the Connection between an Imminent Huge Tsunami in the USA and its Ushering of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ

On the night of 5th January, 2012 I had a supernatural dream. And in this dream I dreamt that the LORD God Almighty had decreed that I was going to be shown an event that is just about to occur and that would ultimately usher in the imminent return of the LORD Jesus Christ to rapture His bride. I must admit that this is one of the dreams where the state of imminency (Just about to happen) was clearly portrayed to me.

In the dream I was shown that the ocean is going to pour out its waters onto the land. And as it does this, the sea/ocean was going to kill many people and shortly thereafter the rapture of the Holy church of Christ would take place.

In this dream, I was shown that the LORD God Almighty had strategically placed His end-time servants to be whistle blowers and that each one had a crucial role to play as end-time watchmen.

And in the dream I found myself gathered together with other servants of the LORD in a room and we were sharing this upcoming event that would involve the ocean and what role each of us had been assigned by God Almighty in respect to the events just about to unfold in the dream. And in the dream it looked like this outpour of the ocean was going to happen in the United States of America because I remember in the dream I was in a foreign land and many of the other servants we were gathered with in this dream were familiar with each other i.e. it’s like they were countrymen, and since I could recognize in the dream that they were from USA I was made to understand in the dream that this oceanic outpour was going to happen in their country. And this oceanic outpour looked like a huge tsunami; I don’t know what was to cause it.
And I was actually a stranger to many of them by name and appearance; and in the dream I was shown that as strange as I was to them I was going to play a crucial role in the oceanic outpour. I don’t know what role this was but I believe it must have been being a whistleblower/watchman of the oceanic outpour being revealed to me and then myself passing the message to them.

In the dream, I even experienced the Ocean pouring process and was shown how this oceanic outpour was going to usher in the rapture of the bride of Christ.

In the dream I was made to understand that this outpour of the ocean was going to happen very very very soon i.e. it was very imminent. And to show how imminent it was, I was shown in the dream that the tidal current had made the ocean to move some distance and that the moment it came back, the ocean outpour would occur.

The message I got from this dream was that the rapture of the bride of Christ is very imminent and that the outpour of the ocean water onto the land in the USA would have a crucial role to play in ushering in the rapture. In the dream I was not shown whether this outpour would occur in other places of the earth as well and so I don’t know  whether it would be confined to the USA or not.
In the dream I was shown that God Almighty had strategically placed His end-time servants; and in the dream I specifically focused on 3 servants (2gentlemen and a lady) who were to be the whistle blowers on the oceanic outpour event. I don’t know exactly what the significance of their role was but I believe the event having been revealed to them they were to act as whistleblower/watchmen on the oceanic outpour. 

In the dream I was actually made to understand that the 3 servants would spiritually be at the ocean when the outpour would occur, I don’t know whether this would be due to the deep revelations that they have been shown on this oceanic outpour. The 3 servants were actually going to have 3 major roles in the final countdown to the rapture since what they had been shown was to usher in the rapture of the holy church of Christ. And that the outpour of the sea (Ocean) had crucial role to play on the rapture.
In the dream, this revelation was so mighty and powerful and that is why we gathered together with other servants of the LORD to pray together and discuss further the implications of this oceanic outpour as we knew that this upcoming event was the ultimate event that was going to usher in the Rapture of the bride of Christ.

It felt like this huge oceanic outpour was going to affect the USA, and in the dream I was taken to the foreign land of USA to be gathered with the other servants of God Almighty and also to be shown the oceanic floor and how the ocean was gearing up for this historic outpour.

I then woke up from the dream.

Over time I have come to appreciate that dreams normally have either a message OR a warning OR a teaching OR a prophetic connotation OR all of the above. I’m convinced that this particular dream had a deep prophetic element on it. And so based on what I was shown in the dream, I’m convinced beyond any doubt that the United States of America is at the verge of being hit by a huge historic Tsunami that would usher in the imminent rapture of the bride of Jesus Christ.


 Luke 21:25-28 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.  At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

Amos3:7Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets

Ezekiel 33:1-6  The word of the LORD came to me:  “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman,  and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people,  then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves.  But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’



Precious Jesus, 

I acknowledge today that you are lord and savior of all mankind,   

and today I have recognized my shortfall,  

I repent and turn away from all sin.

Please cover me with your precious blood, 

and establish your word in my life,   

that I may be found in righteousness and holiness 

and write my name in your book of life  

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit 

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.  


Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!! 

Kevin Mirasi



  1. Amen Kevin. He is coming. These events are coming. We need to prepare spiritually for this. The clock is ticking. God bless you brother.

  2. @ brother Clay, I concur with you:Time is absolutely over. The LORD has given as many messages;warnings;and encouragements to prepare for His imminent coming, we surely need to prepare spiritually in absolute Repentance;Righteousness;Holiness;Truth and Full Surrender to the LORD.

    1. Brother, last night I had a mighty vision of the Lord!

      The oceanic outpour appeared 'as the mist' and spread throughout the earth as the Holy Spirit of God!

  3. Thanks Kevin. Your dream rings true to me in a fundamental kind of way.

    One question: Do you have any sense that perhaps the ocean in your dream is symbolic of something else? For example, economic house of cards tumbling, the effects of which would be sweeping? Dreams are often quite symbolic in their nature. Or are you quite certain this image is to be taken literally?



  4. Hi Kevin, I love the Lord Very much and I was meant to read this post.. I believe the Lord is trying to reach out to me because I have fallen behind. I do not want to be left behind at all and I need to find the lord again but i feel like iam lost. THe vison/ Dream you had is the 2nd time I have heard this.. There is another man who had the same vision. and he also said there was a Tsunami and then the Rapture came. he had this vision sometime in december.

  5. @AEvermann, Praise the LORD Jesus Christ,I believe the oceanic outpour is literally meaning a mega Tsunami very very very soon hitting the USA as I was shown in the dream.
    Meanwhile The rider of the black horse (Revelation 6:5-6)was released in 2008,This horseman is responsible for massive global financial and economic crisis and famine that has been hitting the world for the last 3 years or so.The global financial system is at its knees currently and it's not going to get better.Most of the leading global banks are soon going to crumble:Watch the Euro-zone and the USA currently and also in the very near future, its all gloomy.This will eventually usher in the satanic system that will entrench the mark of the beast to be used by the Anti-Christ and his partners worldwide. You may ask why all these calamities and disasters? This is because Jesus Christ is imminently coming and He want the people of the earth to stop relying/worshiping the world system and to focus on Him in full Repentance;Righteousness;Holiness;Truth and Full Surrender to the LORD Jesus Christ.Actually all these distress we are seeing are just the beginning of the birth pain' the real pain would be during the Great Tribulation Period when the bride of Christ shall have been rescued through Rapture into heaven. I can tell you for sure, in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ that this is not a place to be during the Great Tribulation:that's why the time for the people of the earth who want to be rescued to take their rapture flight tickets is NOW!!! Tomorrow may be too late. And the ticket is none other than the LORD Jesus Christ. Shalom!!!

  6. @Scarlette, Praise the LORD Jesus Christ.Please hang on there, the moment that we have all been yearning for is in sight: the return of the LORD Jesus Christ to take us home.All signs that the LORD Jesus Christ gave us in Mathew 24:1-44 are more or less been fulfilled. The 4th seal(Revelation chapter 6) has been opened and the rider of the pale horse has been released.When the 5th seal is opened it will find when the rapture has taken place.
    You said "you are feeling like you are lost".Its not yet late even though very very very soon time will be too late. You said "you need to find the LORD again",you must be very wise because the fear of the LORD,that is wisdom(Job28:28)and I can sense the fear of the LORD in you. All you need to do is to Repent in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, and live in Righteousness,Holiness,Truth and Full Surrender to the LORD Jesus Christ.How do you do that you may ask?
    Please read the following Repentance prayer with sincerity from your heart and the LORD who is right where you are will hear you and accept you back.REPENTANCE PRAYER
    Precious Jesus,I acknowledge today that you are lord and savior of all mankind,and today I have recognized my shortfall,I repent and turn away from all sin.Please cover me with your precious blood,and establish your word in my life,that I may be found in righteousness and holiness and write my name in your book of life and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


    And you may ask: How does one live a holy and a Righteous life? By:

    1.Going before the LORD Jesus Christ everyday in humble Repentance; Repenting of the sins you know of and the ones you don't know of. Just say in your sincere prayer. " Mighty LORD Jesus, I come before you to Repent of all the sins I have committed from the second I was born to this second and I take full responsibility for them and and I ask you to wash me with your precious blood and cover me with your precious blood."

    2.Reading the WORD of the LORD;

    3.Asking the LORD to baptize you with the power of the Holy Spirit

    4.Loving one another (your friends and your enemies and even praying for them)

    5.Being obedient to the LORD by following His commandments and teachings as stated in the bible.

    6. Separating yourself from the world. We live in the world but we don't belong to the world. And avoiding activities,friends,TV programs, food (Alcohol and smoke), Music (Worldly music) etc that will infiltrate/defile your spirit.

    7-Surrendering fully to the LORD Jesus Christ and praying to Him on every decision, action,plan we are to take so that He guides us and takes control.

    8-Being watchful for the return of the LORD Jesus Christ through the rapture.

    9-Praying as often as you can in a day (e.g Myself I do major prayers before I sleep and I also wake up any time between 12am to 3am to pray)

    10-Put on the full armor of God:Truth;Righteousness;Gospel of Peace;Faith;Salvation;Word of God and Prayer in the Spirit so that you are armed for the battle we are in which is a spiritual battle against the powers of evil forces.But the LORD God Almighty, the LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is always on our side to ensure we win the battle, so long as we surrender fully to them.


    And you may ask, How does one Surrender fully to the LORD ?: By- Always/Continuously asking the LORD in prayer that "Let His will be done in all circumstances of your life". This also involve reading the Holy Book of the LORD, so that you know the Truth i.e His will. And this truth will set you free.And always asking the LORD to fill you and to baptize you with the power of The Holy Spirit who will help, comfort and counsel you in all circumstances and will also fill you with Peace that surpasses all human understanding even when you are faced with difficulties.

    Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!!

  7. Absolutely God be the glory for wisdom and answers flavored with anointing to set the captives free...glory to God...bless u bro Kevin...God bless you brother.

  8. Hi kevin, will this happen in the location of queens ny. I live next to JFK airport.
    Also pray for me that the Lord will continually give me guidance in what to do.
    God bless in the name of Jesus Christ

  9. Hi brother Kevin, I feel as if the Lord is calling me to heed this warning to others. Referencing the Ezekial scripture in your post, how do I get the message out to others who live so far away from me? Thanks.

  10. Amen. Yes I believe and know that it is very very near.And that's why I believe and know The LORD is urging you to do so.

    If you have a facebook account you can put it on your wall; You can also send to your friends in their e-mail addresses; you can also tell people face to face; you can also print it out and distribute etc.

  11. Thank you. It's hard sometimes because my friends think I have gone crazy with all these warnings and announcements. I had a dream two nights ago where I was standing on a beach and suddenly a huge wave that was so tall raised up and swept me so far away from the beach. Did you think this has any connection with the tsunami that is about to happen?

  12. Amen brother Michael.

    Yes I believe what you were shown in the dream has got a connection with what is very very very imminently happening concerning the oceanic outpour on the land( Very Huge tsunami).


  13. Thank you brother Kevin for sharing what Jehovah God Almighty our Lord of Lords King of Kings Christ Jesus Yahushua/Yeshua Holy Spirit Ruach Ha Kodesh reveals to you.

    I was invited to the Kisimu Revival 2012/2013 and was there with my son Kevin as the Holy Rain fell. I met with Prophet Dr David Owuor afterward in Nairobi. I was baptized in 1978 but was re-baptised by the Repentance and Holiness Ministry. I live with the Holy Spirit but am awaiting to be empowered to further the work of the harvest.
    I pray and stand in the gap for the land of Minnesota USA and it's people.

    The Lord suddenly stopped my job as as an MD on the west coast of Washington USA my birth state on Aug 4,2010 and after struggling (losing most material things) was moved BACK again to Minnesota. When my family was moving (March 2011)in the Penske trucks across the USA I felt in my heart ""a daughter of Abraham is returning to Minnesota"" As we were close to passing the South Dakota/Minnesota border my heart pictured the entire state of Minnesota lift up out of a map and my heart understood I was to pray for Minnesota. Anyway lots of untold story here but here is the odd part:

    When I read about your dream of the USA oceanic tsunami I recalled something from my childhood that I never speak of :I was born on an island in Washington state but our
    family lived back and forth all my life in Washington, Santa Cruz CA, and Minnesota (where my parents were born and raised). Anyway,many many times as a child I had a dream that I was on a beach in California near our is warm and sunny but the sky grew dark and before long I am running because a giant wave so massive was chasing me. The wave never catches me and the dream suddenly ends
    I dismissed this until now as a child hood nightmare. But before leaving Washington I had a sense of a tsunami washing away a large part of the Port Townsend WA area.Just recently 2013there was an unusual landslide of many houses into the Puget Sound in Coupeville WA just across from Port Townsend on nearby Fidalgo Island (just south of my birth Island).
    Anyway...I do not get dreams and visions as you do but just wanted to share this for some reason.After reading your post I felt once again like a watchman on the walls and borders of Minnesota. Repent please Minnesotans...return full hearted to your Maker and Redeemer personal repentance and really ask to have all sins washed away by the precious HOLY blood of Christ Jesus and be filled and led by the Spirit so you can be ready as a spotless Bride soon to be snatched up in to the heavenly Kingdom.There is no more time for chasing pleasures and our own ideas and you are NOT safe as you are.PLEASE REPENT SEEK GOD WHILE YOU CAN

    Much Love to you my Brother,
    Dr Linda K Thompson from Minnesota USA

    1. Dear Kevin Mirasi, Please remove this response of mine and any postings related to my name. My dreams remain true as described but after studying the Prophet Dr Owuor and his ministry for 3 yrs I can no longer subscribe to this. I follow the Father Yahweh the Lord Jesus Yeshua and Holy Spirit only and no man on the earth. I still believe in God's Prophets in Scripture and know the 2 tribulation witnesses will appear. No Prophet or Jesus Himself ever had red carpet rolled out and throne chairs like the Pope. I have heard many in Kenya (3 trips over there) and in USA "we do not really know who he is...." each intimating that the prophet is Elijah or God incarnate. They do not come right out and say that but the people bow to the him. Those close to him cater to him and call him "lord". The Holy Spirit has led me to follow only the True God and and His Word. Remenber the greatest deception contains the most truth and knowledge of the word. Remember Eden, Eve was deceived because she thought is was truth. There have been and will increasingly be deception and false prophets throughout the world until all things are couple. SHALOM

  14. Amen sister Linda,

    May The LORD bless you for sharing such a powerful testimony and revelation.

    I'm very glad The LORD revealed this to you as a child and He has kept it in your memory till today. May you continue praying and interceding for the people of Minnesota , California and the entire USA so that they may embrace the message of absolute Repentance,Righteousness, Holiness,Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ so that they too may prepare the way for the very very very imminent coming of The Messiah Jesus Christ to rapture His bride.. And as you do this, may The favour of The LORD be upon you and may He baptize you with the power of The Holy Spirit.


  15. I do believe the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is already present and especially after going to Kissumu/Nairobi....but what I wonder about is a coming POWERFUL anointing upon the LORD's servants as happened in the early church and spoken of by Joel. Our Watch and Pray group meets tonight in the home/farm that God Almighty has furnished me for the end of days. Last night in my heart I felt "And to the church in Sogn Valley Minnesota"
    I pray that all the little home fellowships will be Blessed but the presence of the Lord and His HOLY HOLY HOLY Spirit.....we are in the process of being purified...putting off the flesh...laying the flesh and wordily cares on the alter to be consumed with fire. We want to be purified by HOLY fire so our vessels are full of HOLY Spirit,our extra jars too and our Bride's gown be made pure and white spotless and with out wrinkle .
    COME LORD JESUS be our Guest
    COME soon LORD JESUS our Bridegroom to snatch away your Bride
    We love you and praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit you alone are one you alone are HOLY
    Thank you Brother Kevin for serving out LORD and KING

  16. I also had a warning dream for USA, I was given streets location and number.. 400, the number 400 represents when the mayflower was signed in 1620. When we are around about 2020 we will be 400 hundred years old as a Nation. That's when God judges a Nation, at 400 year mark...and He showed me in the dream that it was for the perversion.. Pastor Kathy Wuopio God bless.... many of my dreams I have published also, the time is short and we must be living in total obedience to Him in every area of our lives...
