
Thursday, 25 October 2012

The 100 End-Time Revelations of The LORD Through Supernatural Dreams

The last message I got from The LORD God Almighty (JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, The God of Israel); The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit on 24th October 2012 marked the 100th message I got from The LORD via supernatural dream. And this is in a span of about 16 months (starting from somewhere in mid 2011 up-to-date 24th October 2012). That is incredibly very fast since the messages are coming extremely very fast.
I sense an element of fast-tracking in this whole episode, and this can only mean one thing: That Time is absolutely over, The messiah Jesus Christ is very very very imminently coming to pick His bride through rapture.

Find The link to all the 100 end-times revelations of The LORD compiled in an easy read format as below:


Kevin Mirasi


  1. Praise your name Lord God you are faithful to your word

  2. Brother Kevin, God bless you for the great work that you are doing. I would like to share this with you. I saw something in the vision today 27/10/12 around 3:30am as i wake up to pray, if what i saw this morning is truly from the Lord then we in extra time, because i saw the clock in the sky and the time is up and we in extra time. I heard nuclear bomb is about to explode and i sense it in my spirit, i saw in the writing form “Invasion of America”. Brother Kevin i need your email address so that i can send you, the whole things i saw. I’m still praying about it.

    This is the time we must seek God than never before, repent from all sin, be baptized and receive the gifts the Holy Spirit. Live righteous and holy life

    1. Amen URB,

      My e-mail address is
      I would be very glad to hear what you have been shown, because I see a correlation with what the LORD showed me on 24th October 2012 in what I titled:"Prophecy of An Imminent Very Massive Terror Attack on The United States of America Interests".

      I will be waiting to hear from you.

