
Thursday, 13 December 2012


In the morning of 14th December 2012 at around 3:11 am(East African Time), I had a prophetic dream of The LORD. And The LORD took me and placed me in California, USA. In the dream I was actually staying in a house in California, USA. 

And while I was here staying in California, USA a very credible news which was the voice of The LORD reached us and the news was that: “The Mega Earthquake Historical Earthquake coming to California, USA will be accompanied by a very heavy storm!!!”

And that this mega earthquake was very very very imminent. In the dream The LORD made me understand that some very few people have a very credible idea of how close this event is but majority of the population do not have an idea that a very catastrophic event is about to hit California, USA in a very close enough time frame. The LORD actually made me understand that this Mega Historical Earthquake is actually here and that the moment for it to occur has arrived. I repeat, The LORD showed me that in a very very very close enough time frame, This Mega Historical Earthquake is about to hit California, USA and that this moment and time has actually arrived and it is here, the moment when the Mega Historical Earthquake is to hit California, USA.

In the dream The LORD made me understand that people will be cut off from food supply for several days. And so The LORD was in essence stressing to me the need to stock up on food and other necessities since in the dream I was a resident in California, USA and I actually was a victim of the cut-off of the supply of food. The LORD made me to experience the situation when the food supply will be cut off from California, USA.

The LORD also made me understand that the rapture of the bride of Christ is at hand. And I got the impression that this mega earthquake to hit California, USA will occur before the rapture of the bride of Christ. Whether it will occur and then very very shortly after the rapture occurs, I don’t know and so nobody can afford to wait to see it before they prepare the way for the coming of The LORD Jesus Christ to rapture His bride.

I then woke up from the dream of The LORD.


1-The LORD has warned and warned over and over again the people and the nations  of the earth specifically California, USA about this very very very imminent Mega Earthquake that is about to hit California, USA. This earthquake will have a global effect because it will be a trigger of very many events across the globe. And so it is due to the seriousness of the judgment of The LORD coming to California, USA is and that's why it has been given over and over again by The LORD.

And so this past night of 14th December 2012, The LORD has now shown me and made me hear that: "This Mega Historical Earthquake is about to hit California, USA and that this moment and time has actually arrived and it is here, the moment when the Mega Historical Earthquake is to hit California, USA."

Maybe this is the last warning that the LORD is now giving!!!

2-The LORD has now made me experience the effect of the cut-off of food supply in California, USA as a result of the Mega earthquake about to hit. I thus urge people to stock on food and other essential items. Food that can last them for months because when this mega earthquake hits, food supply will be cut-off.

3-Some people may say: “We have heard this so many times until we either don’t believe it or don’t care about it”

But once more I’m here to tell you that when Noah was telling people to get into the ark because floods were coming and so the need to get into the ark before it was too late, they laughed and did not take it seriously because to them that was not a possibility, furthermore they were not even seeing clouds. The people of California, USA and indeed the people of the earth; The LORD is now calling you to get into the ark (The LORD Jesus Christ) and prepare the way for the coming of the messiah Jesus Christ to rapture His bride in absolute Repentance, Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ. This is because it is only them who are in The Ark (The LORD Jesus Christ) that will be saved from this coming mega Earthquake, because for them the book of Psalm 91 will be used to rescue, protect and shelter them.

May Those who have ears hear what The Spirit of The LORD is saying.


Mathew 24:6-8 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Luke 21:25-28 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”





Precious Jesus,

I acknowledge today that you are lord and savior of all mankind,

and today I have recognized my shortfall,

I repent and turn away from all sin.

Please cover me with your precious blood,

and establish your word in my life,

that I may be found in righteousness and holiness

and write my name in your book of life

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!!

Kevin Mirasi


  1. 6.4 Earthquake off coast of California!

  2. Kevin, thank you for the salvation prayer. I have family that lives near the CA earthquake site, right on the coast. I've emailed them a heads up to prepare and passed on that prayer asking them to give their hearts to Jesus. Please God have Your Holy Spirit prepare their hearts and them come to Jesus.
    Bless you Kevin

  3. Astonishing! I believed your warnings since I heard of them, but I didn't beleive it was this close!

  4. It is also very stormy in So. California right now, rain and storms expected for the next week.

    1. I think I also checked the accuweather and there are storms through January 10th.

  5. I live in California! There is a storm. Its not very big. You're really freaking me out. I need more details if possible...
    Everything seems to be coming true...

    1. Dorene, I have had this dream of this earthquake since I was 7, and now I am 35. This earthquake in my dream happened before the dead in Christ arose...prior to the rapture. Now I am not sure how long it took for the rapture, but I was supposed to be here in order that my entire family in another state would believe and repent..because they were all drinking and living for themselves. And I guess I had to be the one to go because they are the type that do not believe a person's testimony unless they are dead. LOL LOL! But I do know that I don't want to go through seeing the TSA on the freeways and more checkpoints, or more cannibals, etc. I am disgusted. If it is my time, I am just going to get right with the Lord.

  6. I believe you are absolutely right

  7. A storm and earthquake at the same time. That could be disastrous, and live in Long Beach, CA. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please pray for me and the other watcher shannon and protection for our families property.

    1. I live in Los Angeles and I believe we are about to go home. But from the dream I had, we did not feel the impact, the Lord sent His angels to get His people. And my son's dream is that when I got to Heaven I was confused because the earthquake hit so hard I did not realize that it had hit, and it was like I woke up there. And I was looking around saying Am I in the Hospital and Having and Out of Body Experience? And the Lord said no, you are home. What is really strange to me is that there is a Pastor named Pastor Sandy Armstrong down in Long Beach..he has a youtube site called S4C2010 and I had a dream of him holding open the rapture door. He believes the way Kevin believes, maybe you can visit him? He is really, really awesome.

  8. The night of December 13th I was at my son's school. And my son called out KEVIN, which was his friend...right then and there a man walked right beside me that looked EXACTLY like Jesse Duplantis. Anyways I live in Los Angeles and the Lord told me that I was about to go know the testimony of Jesse Duplantis where he had a rapture experience in 1988. Anyways the Lord told me after my son's school night to continuously check your blog, there was a message He wanted to tell me. After I read your blog, the next day the Lord told me to call one of my family members who lives in another state. She is kind of like the person who has everyone's info. And I left her a message and told her that if they saw Cali quake that I knew about it, I was right with the Lord and it was a warning to them to get the family together to repent. Anyways I watched the weather and we are getting rain Tuesday and next Sunday. Keeping alert. I feel something very uneasy about the Christmas/New Year holidays and going into the year 2013. All of these fake terror attack in the USA are an attempt to take away the gun rights of US citizens, which is to de-arm people and is done before a genocide. This happened to the Armenians before the Turks annihilated them. The American people are becoming almost in a trance state that they are becoming sheep to the slaughter.

    1. Wow!!! Very powerful,stunning and shocking.

      All glory and honor to The LORD.


    2. Right! The shooting in Connecticut! It's all leading up to marshal law!

  9. I had a dream the night of December 14th that people woke up and all the children had disappeared and they were losing their minds. They were screaming. And the night of December 13th I had a dream I was at an airport but had no plane ticket to any destination on Earth, or any hotel reservations...but yet I was told to go to the airport and wait for my airplane. Christians in California, get to the airport, I mean get to the right place in your soul with the Lord! Plane flights are about to depart!

  10. Hello Kevin

    Do you pray in Tongues ?

    Greetings Miry

    1. Amen Miry,

      The Holy Spirit determines how He distributes the gifts of The Holy Spirit. So far He has not given me the gift of praying in tongues.


  11. Watch 9Nania's videos about Christmas 2012. She had a rapture dream and destruction. So the quake may happen around the Christmas season give or take a couple of weeks? Keep on guard! People put their Christmas trees up Thanksgiving Day and keep them up to New Years! These videos are very, very powerful. She saw three visions in 2011 that were fulfilled in 2011, then they were fulfilled in a BIGGER way in 2012.

  12. I am an ex California native, the Lord revealed to me in dreams 3 years ago to leave California. I followed his prompting and packed my bags and relocated to another state leaving behind everything. I travel to California from time to time to visit family, friends and for business. My family wants me to visit this holiday season but I don't have a check in my spirit that I should go, so I have declined. I will miss them tremendously this holiday but I know the Lord does not want me to visit there right now. I have also had a dream of a devastating earthquake to come to California about 4 years ago and have documented it and shared with my family. The Lord even told me the names of the cities. Yes, the quake is coming. For all CAlif. natives there now our hope is in Christ. Get right with the Lord to ensure you are walking in the path he has for you. Our firm foundation is Christ. Pray that the Lord Jesus Christ shows you what to do, how to prepare. Let His spirit lead you in all things.

  13. Hi Kevin, gifts of tongues is different to speaking and praying in tongues. Every born again Christian when filled with the Holy Spirit can and must speak in tongues. You just need to ask God and He will allow you to speak in tongues. It can also be imparted through laying of hands by your pastor or church elders.

    1. No, every Christian is given a spiritual gift and that may include healing the sick, raising the dead, the gift of visions and dreams, interpreting dreams, interpreting tongues, casting out demons, the gift of service and hospitality, teaching/preaching etc. The apostles had all of these gifts. However not all Christians have all of these gifts. We must develop the gift that the Lord gave us.

  14. Speak in Tongues means speak an other Languages spontanly not else. Pray in Tongues is from the Devil !!! ... from the Freemasons like Fox Parham or Mormons !!!

    Take care of you !!! ... Kevin i trust you, if you do NOT pray in Tongues.


  15. I had a Dream, there will be soon a Polshift. Miry

  16. Dr. David Owuor said on December 20th a major major earthquake is coming to the earth. Maybe this California earthquake is what causes the economies to collapse and food that their solution is to implement the microchip and have a bait and switch when food gets back to the grocery stores?

  17. This woman had a dream on 1/31/2013 of a major earthquake swallowing the land on the fault line in California. She said to read the Old Testament because this is the only way to wake up people.

  18. Major Quake will bring revival to the entire world. He sees the people of Kenya and Kevin Mirasi and Dr. David Owuor...I think it is because you guys are prophesying the California Quake. This quake will bring the Revival! I am going to die in this quake I have seen it, so bless you Kevin!

  19. Look at this video about the coming California MegaQuake by Weatherbill. The Lord showed him a mega quake was coming 9/3/2010 and it happened to be the Christ Church earthquake. And it was a sign because there was no fault line there. So the quake was saying THERE IS NO FAULT IN CHRIST'S CHURCH.

  20. Kevin, you posted this on 12/13/2012. I got a warning on 1/13/2013 that the Lord showed me on the ABC Channel 7 that they were warning of a megaquake. On 2/13/2013 my son had to get a special helmet put on to correct part of his flatness of his head. On 3/13/2013 they picked the next pope. Now today I found this video of a watcher in Sacramento, he shows the megaquake. We REALLY need to watch Passover and Easter season!
