
Sunday 22 March 2015


I have yet again done a summarization of the prophesies of The LORD God Almighty, The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit as at 22nd March 2015, this I do even as we move towards the Rapture of the bride of Christ. This current dispensation is the dispensation of open Heavens, when The LORD has now lowered a Spiritual blanket of mist to cover the earth; hence a very massive outpour of The Power and the anointing of The Holy Spirit. This is as a fulfillment of the Prophesy of The LORD through His servant Prophet Joel as stated in the book of Joel 2:28-30 and also a fulfillment of the Prophesy of The LORD through His servant Prophet Amos as stated in the book of Amos 3:7.

So, as at 22nd March 2015 there are 175 prophesies that The LORD has passed forth to the People and the Nations of the earth through His servant Prophet Kevin Mirasi (Him who has done this summarization) since He (The LORD) started sending forth these prophesies in June 2011 through His servant. Out of these 175 Prophesies, 100 have been accurately fulfilled while 75 are not yet fulfilled but will be fulfilled very soon in the timing of The LORD. As always, you are free to distribute and share with people and even keep and tick as they become fulfilled; all for the glory and honour of The LORD.

Joel 2:28-30 And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.”

Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”

There is thus need for Repentance for the forgiveness of sins through the Blood of The LORD Jesus Christ by everyone everywhere on the earth, because these are the days that usher in the coming of The LORD Jesus Christ to Rapture His bride (The Holy Church) into Heaven. These days are for sure full of distresses of the hour because these are the days of birth pains and then after the Rapture of the Bride of Christ the real pain (The Great Tribulation) comes upon the earth. Let us therefore prepare the way for the coming of The LORD Jesus Christ by embracing Repentance (Continually going before The LORD Jesus Christ with sincerity in our hearts and asking Him to cleanse, refine, wash, trim and purify us through His precious and most powerful Blood and The Holy Fire from The throne room of Heaven), Righteousness (Right before The LORD by following the Ways and the Requirements of The LORD), Holiness (Set apart for the glory and honour of The LORD), Truth (Devoid of lies, deception and falsehood) and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ (No Lukewarmness; but now Hot for The LORD Jesus Christ).


100-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of a Very Massive Terrorist Attack In The Form of A Terrorist Hostage Crisis on a Building Having Dignitaries and Foreign Nationalities, as ISIS Terrorists Attack Tunisian Museum Building Holding People In Hostage and Unfortunately Causing Many Fatalities (Prophesied on 10th March 2015, fulfilled 8 days later on 18th March 2015).

99-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Re-Election of Benjamin Netanyahu As Israel Prime Minister, As Netanyahu Shockingly and Surprising Retains His Seat "Against All Odds" (Prophesied on 3rd January 2015, fulfilled Two and a half months later on 17th March 2015).

98-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Historic Low Moment and A Change In Relations Between USA and Israel Leading To a Soar Relations and Reversal of The Attitude of The United States of America Towards Israel, With Feelings and Calls of A Betrayal (Prophesied on 8th November 2014, fulfilled 5 months later as from 25th February 2015 and Continues after The Re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu on 17th March 2015).

97-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of An Earthquake Coming To Shake Australia, as “A Rare And A Historical” Earthquake Shakes Queensland, Australia(Prophesied on 14th October 2013, fulfilled One Year, 4 months later on 15th February 2015).

96-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Onset of The Use of The RFID Micro-Chip (The Mark of The Beast) In The Human Resources Management of Organizations as A Swedish Organization Historically Inserts The RFID Micro-Chip Under The Skin of The Hands of Its Staff (Prophesied on 29th December 2014, fulfilled One month later on 30th January 2015).

95-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Distress Coming To The Nation of Kenya Involving ODM Senatorial Candidate Moses Kajwang’, as Moses Kajwang’ Is Attacked and Hit With a Stone on His Head Causing a Grievous and a Very Serious Injury On His Head Leading To Him Losing a Lot of Blood and Even Being Hospitalized And Bandaged (Prophesied on 26th January 2015, fulfilled 4 days later on 30th January 2015).

94-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Formation of A Multinational Force (International Military Police) To Fight and Tackle Boko Haram In West Africa After A Historical Escalation of The Boko Haram Attack Even Into Bordering Countries (Prophesied on 2nd December 2014, fulfilled 45 days later on 20th January 2015).

93-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Persecution of Jews (Israelites) Staying In Other Nations Out of Their Homeland of Israel Through Terrorist Attacks, As Jews Community Targeted in Paris, France Terrorist Attack Leading To Fatalities And Injuries Amongst The Jews and Also in Copenhagen, Denmark(Prophesied on 14th August 2014, fulfilled 5 months later on 7th January 2015 and also 6 months later on 14th February 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark).

92-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy (Vision) of Distress and a Judgment of The LORD Coming to France, as A Fatal Historical Terrorist Attack Occurs in France Leading to World Leaders and Huge Crowds Demonstrate in French Cities (Prophesied on 27th August 2014, fulfilled 4 months later on 7th January 2015).

91-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Collapse Of A Huge Storey Building In Nairobi, Kenya, As An Eight Storey Building Collapses In Nairobi, Kenya. Also A Continued Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Historical Labour Strikes Coming To Kenya , As Teachers In Kenya Engage In A Biting Strike Effectively Paralyzing Learning In Kenya At The Start Of Schools Calendar Year(Prophesied on 26th December 2014, fulfilled 10 days later on 4th January 2015. The Labour strikes having been prophesied on 11th November 2014 and continued to be fulfilled on 5th January 2015).

90-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of a Distress and a Judgment of The LORD Coming To The Home (Family) of Raila Odinga In The Nation of Kenya, as Raila’s Eldest Son Fidel Odinga Shockingly Dies Under Mysterious Circumstances After A Night Out In Nairobi, Kenya (Prophesied on 28th July 2014, fulfilled 5 months later on 4th January 2015).

89-Accurate Fulfillment of The Vision (Prophesy) of A Very Serious Controversy Coming To The Nation of Kenya Involving a Section of Media And an End–Time Messenger Of The LORD, As a Social Media (Facebook) Conman Is Arrested For Impersonating The Said Servant of The LORD and Soliciting and Conning People Out of Their Money. Also a Continued Controversy, Albeit To a Different Dimension and A Different Form Continued To Ensue In The Nation of Kenya Whereupon a Very “Twisted” Reporting By The Media Regarding a Just Concluded End of The Year Revival Meeting of The LORD Coordinated By The Said Servant of The LORD. (Prophesied on 23rd November 2014, fulfilled One months later on 28th December 2014 and 1st January 2015).

88-Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of a most distressing Judgment of The LORD coming to Hit Hollywood (Sony Pictures) leading to leakage and exposure of “embarrassing emails and personal details of some of the world’s biggest   movie stars (Prophesied on 23rd October 2014, fulfilled One Month later on 22nd November 2014).

87-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of a Financial and an economic Crisis Coming to Britain as A Massive £142 Billion shockingly wiped off the Britain’s Leading Companies and thus threatening The Briton’s Pension Fund (Prophesied on 22nd November 2014, fulfilled 3 weeks later on 12th December 2014).

86-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of An Airplane Distress Coming to Denmark Involving a Danish Passenger Plane From Copenhagen Airport in Denmark as A Danish Airplane Nearly Hit by A Russian Military Jet (Prophesied on 27th October 2014, fulfilled 2 and a half months later on 13th December 2014).

85-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of An Economic and a Financial Crisis Coming to The Earth affecting even World Currencies, as Oil Price shockingly falls over 45% And Thereby Tremendously Leading to A Global Financial and an Economic distress in terms of Loss of Value of some World Currencies, Global stocks Stumbling and Sharp decline in Very Essential Economic Revenue and Earnings (Prophesied on 3rd April 2014, Fulfilled 8 months later in December 2014).

84-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Very Heavy and A Historical Storm To Hit California, USA As A Mega Historical Storm Devastates California, USA As A Precurser And A Warning of A Mega Historical Earthquake Coming to Hit California Very Very Soon (Prophesied on 14th December 2012, Fulfilled 2 years later on 11th December 2014).

83-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of An Attempted Very Massive Terror Attack on Israel By Palestinian Terrorists Including on Their Modes of Transportation As Israel Reports That It Broke Up Hamas Terror Plot To Attack Jerusalem’s Light Railway, Roads, Cars, Traffics and The Sports Stadium e.t.c (Prophesied on 22nd November 2014, fulfilled 5 days later on 27th November 2014).

 82-Accurate Fulfillment of the prophesy of A Historical and A distressing Labour strikes and Labour Relations Coming to The Nation of Kenya and Thus Gripping The Kenya Government and The Nation   of Kenya As 6 Labour Unions Calls Upon Government Employees To Leave Terror Prone North Eastern Province Following Al Shabbab Terror Attack That Led to Massacre of over 60 Kenyans (Prophesied on 11th November 2014, fulfilled 11 days later on 22nd November 2014).

81-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Very Serious Confrontation With a Racial Undertone Coming to The United States of America As Violence and Ugly Confrontations Breaks Out in many Cities of The USA Following Grand Jury Decision of  no Indictment on Fergusson, Missouri Shooting (Prophesied on 13th April 2014, fulfilled 7 months later on 25th November 2014).

80-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Continued Distress on The Japanese Economy As A Fulfillment of The Prophesy of More Judgments of The LORD Coming to Touch The Japanese Economy As Japan Slips Into A Surprise Recession (Prophesied on 25th December 2013, fulfilled 11 months later on 17th November 2014).

79-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of  A very Great Earthquake Coming To Hit The Nation of Indonesia As A Powerful 7.3 Earthquake Shakes Indonesia Even Causing A Small Tsunami (Prophesied on 16th July 2014, fulfilled 4 months later on 15th November 2014).

78-Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Very Serious Contestation Coming Over The Holy Land of Israel Including A Contestation Over The Ownership of The Temple Mount In Jerusalem With Different Groups Claiming Ownership As The Jews And Muslims Fight Over The Site Where The Temple Mount And Also A Mosque (The Dome of Rock) Are Situated (Prophesied on 5th August 2014, fulfilled 3 months later on 29th October 2014).

77-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Exposure of Falsehood At The Altar Perpetuated By False prophets As The LORD Moves To Restore His Altar; with A Kenyan Fraudster and Fake, False Prominent Televangelist “Prophet" Victor Kanyari Is Exposed (Prophesied on 10th October 2014, fulfilled 3 weeks later on 2nd November 2014).

76- Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Wrath of The LORD God Almighty Falling in West Africa Leading to Regime Change Occurring in West Africa As Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore Is Removed Out of Power (Prophesied on 6th September 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 31st October 2014).

75-Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Huge Loaded Man-made Object Looking Like an Airplane, Falling From The Sky And Hitting The Earth Causing Huge Explosions And Fire And Even Shaking Buildings As A U.S.A NASA Contracted Supply Rocket Explodes After Liftoff And Busts Into Flames As It Falls To The Ground Exploding Into Fire And Causing Extreme Shaking On The Ground And On Buildings (Prophesied on 14th July 2012, fulfilled 2 years and 3 months later on 29th October 2014).

74-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of “The Great Blood Plague Disease” Coming to The Earth As The Hemorrhagic Ebola Causes Havoc In West Africa As It Now Spreads Worldwide Touching Europe and North America So Far (Prophesied on 6th December 2012, fulfilled in 2014).

73-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Corporate Entities In Kenya  Laying off Their Staff Due To An Economic and A Financial Crisis As Eveready Battery Company Shuts Down After 47 Years In Operation and Lays Off 100 Employees And Cadbury Kenya Ltd Also To Shut Down With 300 Employees Losing Their Jobs (Prophesied on 24th September 2014, fulfilled 5 days later on 29th September 2014).

72-Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of Civil Chaos, Social Disorder and social dissatisfaction coming to West Africa As A Result of The Ebola Outbreak As Deadly Attacks By Villagers Occur in Guinea and A Burial Team Also Gets Attacked In Sierra Leone During A Nationwide Lockdown (Prophesied on 6th September 2014, fulfilled two weeks later on 20th September 2014).

71-Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Mysterious Explosive Fire Coming to The Earth Culminating Into Very Dark Smoke Very Deep Into The Sky As A Historic And An Explosive Fire( “King Fire”) Rips Through California, USA Pluming Very Long And Thick Smoke Deep Into The Sky (Prophesied on 3rd September 2014, fulfilled 10 days later on 13th September 2014).

70-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Very Serious Military Confrontation Between The Nation of Iran and The Nation of Israel With Iran Detecting A Very Sophisticated Military Weapon Used By Israel , As Iran Detects and Shoots Down an Israeli Stealth Drone Moving Towards Its Central Nuclear Facility (Prophesied on 9th September 2013, fulfilled 11 and a half months later on 24th August 2014).

69-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Very Great Famine (Food Crisis) Coming To The Nation of Kenya And The Eastern Africa Region (Prophesied on 1st June 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 27th July 2014  and further news on the same on 8th August 2014).

68-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Nation of Israel Facing A Very Explosive Encounter And Facing A Potentially Catastrophic Moment And Impending tough Times As Hamas And Israel engage in a Catastrophic War (Prophesied on 1st April 2014, fulfilled 3 months later on 8th Jul 2014).

67- Accurate fulfillment of The Prophesy of Security Distress Coming to The nation of Kenya During A Political Rally, as Chaos breaks out during saba saba rally (Prophesied on 15th June 2014, fulfilled on 7th July 2014).

66-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Deterioration of Security Situation in The Nation of Uganda, As Militias Attack Police Posts and Military Barracks in The Nation of Uganda Leading To More Than 60 People Dead (Prophesied on 14th April 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 6th July 2014).

65-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Economic Crisis Coming To The Nation of Ghana Leading To Economic Distress, Conflict and Confrontation (Prophesied on 20th July 2013, fulfilled on 25th June 2014).

64-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of A Deadly Terror Attack Coming Near The Kenya-Somali Border With Dead Bodies All Over As Terrorists Attack The Kenyan Border Coastal Town of Lamu Killing over 40 people (Prophesied on 14th April 2014, fulfilled 2 months later on 15th June 2014).

63-Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of A Very Serious Tension and Confrontation Between The Nation of India and The Nation of Afghanistan As Heavily Armed Gunmen Attack Indian Consulate In Afghanistan (Prophesied on 15th May 2014, fulfilled 8 days later on 23rd May 2014).

62-Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of A Very Huge Explosion Coming To The Earth In A Commercial Area As Gikomba Market In Nairobi, Kenya Suffers A Fatal Terror Attack Causing many fatalities and massive destruction (Prophesied on 15th May 2014, fulfilled 24 hours later on 16th May 2014).

61-Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of distress (judgment) To Hit The Nation of Japan As A Fatal Blast Hits A Japanese Industrial Factory (Prophesied on 25th December 2013, fulfilled on 9th January 2014).

60- Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of very huge Explosions And Distress Coming to The earth on Many Transport Lines As New York Train Suffers Fatal Crash. And Then The Continued Fulfillment of The Prophesy of Distress and Huge Explosion Coming To The Earth On A Transport Line As Indonesian Commuter Train Collide With An Oil Tanker; Days After New York City Train Crash (Prophesied on 23rd November 2013, fulfilled 8 days later on 1st December 2013 and 2 weeks later on 9th December 2013).

59- Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of Heavy Rains Hitting many states of The USA Including North Carolina As The Judgment of The LORD Strikes In The Midst of The Busiest Travel Day of  The Year in The USA (Thanksgiving Day); Causing Traffic Havoc and Delaying Flights (Prophesied on 2nd October 2013, fulfilled 2 months later on 27th November 2013).

58- Accurate Fulfillment of The prophesy of A Thermonuclear Event Coming To The Earth From The Sky (Sun) As The Sun Blasts Out Four X~class Flares In A Week To Make A Total of 28 Solar Flares In week ; Causing Radio Black~out And Disrupting Navigation Signals. And Immediately Followed By A Historical Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse (Prophesied on 7th September 2013, fulfilled One and a half months later on 23rd October 2013 to 30thOctober 2013).

57-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Announcement By The USA President Of People Being Required To Take The Medical Identity (Obamacare) In The Midst Of The Crisis Brought About By Health-Care Website Glitches (Prophesied on 17th October 2012, fulfilled one year later on 21st October 2013).

56-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of An Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of Tunisia As An Earthquake Shakes Tunisia (The biggest to shake Tunisia in 8 years); Swaying Buildings And Rattling Windows (Prophesied on 5th June 2013, fulfilled 4 months later on 18th October 2013).

55-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Release Of Vampire Spirit Onto The Earth As A Papua New Guinea Man Turns Into A Vampire (Prophesied on 15th June 2013, fulfilled 5 months later on 11th October 2013).

54-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Removal Of The Oppressive And Persecutory Regimes And Leadership In North Africa As The Sword Of The Lord Lands In North African Nations: As Tunisia Follows Egypt In Toppling Ruthless And Persecutory Regimes (Prophesied on 27th April 2013, fulfilled 5 months later on 28th September 2013 for Tunisia and 2 months later for Egypt).

53-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Very Dark Moment Coming To The Nation Of Kenya In The Capital City, Nairobi Leading To Criminals Roaming All Across The Place As Al-Shabbab Terror Group Carries Out A Deadly Terror Attack In  Nairobi Westgate Shopping Mall, Holding Shoppers Hostage And Killing And Injuring Scores Of People(Prophesied on 11th August 2013, fulfilled 40 days later on  21st September 2013).

52-Accurate Fulfillment Within 2 Days Of The Prophesy Of A Very Tense Situation Coming To The Earth Where A Battalion Of Policemen Were Going To Clash With Students Of An Institution Of Higher Learning Culminating Into Running Battles On The Road As Police Clash With University Students In Ankara, Turkey And Also In New York City, USA (Prophesied on 17th September 2013, fulfilled 2 days later on 19th September 2013).

51- Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Return With A Vengeance To The Earth Of An Olden Time Disease As Bubonic Plague Popularly Known As “Black Death” Hits The Nation Of Kyrgyzstan (Prophesied on may 2013, fulfilled 3 months later on 27th August 2013).

50-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Historic Volcanic Eruptions Coming To The Earth As Deadly And Historic Volcanic Eruptions Hit Japan, Indonesia And Ecuador (Prophesied on 14th July 2013, fulfilled within one month: on 18th August 2013, 10th August 2013 and on 14th July 2013).

49-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of An Earthquake Coming To Mexico And Tremendously Shaking Mexico (Prophesied on 25th June 2013, fulfilled 2 months later on 16th August 2013).

48- Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Fall Of One Of The Leaders Of The Opposing Camps In Nigeria Due To A Very Serious Military Confrontation As Boko Haram’s Second-In-Command Is Killed (Prophesied on 20th July 2013, fulfilled 2 weeks later on 4th August 2013).

47-Accurate Fulfillment Within 24 Hours Of The Prophesy Of A Distress Coming To A Transport Station Leading To Stranded Passengers As Flights Suspended At Kenya’s International Airport In Nairobi After Fire Breaks Out At Arrival Terminal (Prophesied on 6th August 2013, fulfilled on 7th August 2013).

46-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Powerful And A Deadly Earthquake Coming To China Due To Rampant Idolatry Including Buddhism (Prophesied on 4th May 2013, fulfilled two months later on 22nd July 2013).

45- Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Big Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of New Zealand (Prophesied on 3rd January 2013 and on 1st April 2013, fulfilled on 21st July 2013).

44-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Ouster Of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi And The Muslim Brotherhood Regime (Prophesied on 8th April 2013, fulfilled 2 months later on 3rd June 2013).

43-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Crisis Coming To The Nation Of Bulgaria Due To The Corrupt Financial And Corporate System (Prophesied on 25th February 2013, fulfilled 4 months later in June 2013).

42-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Distress Coming To The Nation Of Egypt During The Celebration Of An Anniversary (Prophesied on 8th April 2013, fulfilled one month and 3 weeks later on 30th June 2013).

41-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy Of Assassination Of African Leaders Including Mps As Zimbabwe Mp Killed In “Suspicious” Car Crash And Also Tunisian Mp Murdered (Prophesied on 17th May 2013, fulfilled one month later on 19th June 2013 and on 25th July 2013).

40-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Controversy Coming To Germany Regarding Gay Marriages As Germans Take To The Streets To Celebrate High Court Ruling (Prophesies on 5th June 2013, fulfilled one day later on 6th June 2013).

39-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Distress Coming To The K.I.C.C Building In Nairobi, Kenya As Music Concert Meant To Mark Kenya’s 5oth Anniversary Turns Violent And Chaotic Prophesied on 19th May 2013, fulfilled 4 weeks later on 15th June 2013).

38-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Huge Heavenly Body Trailing The Earth And Then Speeding Past The Earth As Asteroid 1998 Qe2 Cruises Past The Earth (Prophesied on 4th May 2013, fulfilled 4 weeks later on 31st May 2013).

37-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Tremendous Event That Was To Put The Nation Of Rwanda On A Global Focus As 5 Rwanda Genocide Suspects Arrested In London (Prophesied on 16th May 2013, fulfilled two weeks later on 31st May 2013).
36-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Humongous Earthquake Coming To The Far Eastern Region Of The Earth As A Massive Magnitude 8.3 Earthquake Hits Far East Russia (Prophesied on 4th May 2013, fulfilled 20 days later on 24th May 2013).

35-Accurate Fulfillment of the prophesy of a 5.7 Earthquake to Shake California, USA As Part of A Series Of Earthquakes To Hit California, USA Which Will Finally Be A Mega Earthquake of a 9 Or 10 on the Richter Scale (Prophesied on 29th May 2012, fulfilled one year later on 24th May 2013).

34-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Focus Of The World Being Put On Zimbabwe As The New Constitution Is Signed Into Law (Prophesied on 16th May 2013, fulfilled 6 days later on 22nd May 2013).

33-The Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of North Korea Firing Missiles (Prophesied on 14th April 2013, fulfilled one month later on 18th May 2013).

32-The Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Distress Coming To Kenya Due To A Clash Between The Kenyan Police And A Group Of Protesters In The Streets Of Nairobi, Kenya As Protesters Using Pigs Protest against Kenyan Mps (Prophesied on 1st May 2013, fulfilled 2 weeks later on 14th May 2013).

31-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Confrontation Between Spain And The Netherlands As Spanish Police Arrest A Man From Netherlands In Connection With The World’s Biggest Ever Cyber-Attack (Prophesied on 26th April 2013, fulfilled less than 24 hours later).

30-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Violence And Protest In Egyptian Streets Centred On Changes To The Egyptian Laws And Reforms (Prophesied on 8th April 2013, fulfilled 11 days later on 19th April 2013).

29-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Very Massive Destruction Coming To The United States Of America As Terror Attack Hits Boston, USA And 3 Days Later A Continuation Of The Fulfillment Of The Prophesy; As A Deadly And A Devastating Massive Destruction Hits A Texas  Fertilizer Plant (Prophesied on 30th March 2013, fulfilled 2 weeks later on 15th April 2013 and on 18th April 2013).

28-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Movement Of Nuclear War Weapon Components Along The Borders In Readiness For The Nations Of The Earth Being Sparked Into A Nuclear War (Prophesied on 21st January 2013, fulfilled 3 months later on 4th April 2013).

27-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Events To Follow After The Kenyan General Elections Of 4th March 2013 (Prophesied on 17th February 2013, fulfilled on 4th March 2013).

26-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Banking Crisis Coming To The Earth (Cyprus) With Customers Loosing Their Bank Deposits As The Nation Of Cyprus Hit By A Shocking Overnight Bank Crisis (Prophesied on 6th April 2013, fulfilled 6 weeks later on 18th March 2013).

25-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Rise Of The Red Dragon (Pope Francis) (Prophesied on 2nd March 2013, fulfilled on 13th March 2013).

24-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Judgment of The LORD coming to Hit Russia For Coming Against Israel As A Huge Meteorite Hits Russia And Creates A huge Crater As The Lord Shakes Russia On The Ground And Then Shakes Them Again In The Sky As A Continuation Of A Very Stern Warning To Russia (Gog-Magog) (Prophesied on 29th January 2013, fulfilled after within two weeks on 30th January 2013, 14th February 2013 and on 15th February 2013).

23-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Great Earthquake Of 8+ Coming To The Earth As An Earthquake Of 8.0 Hits Santa Cruz Islands(Solomon Islands) (Prophesied on 23rd December 2012, fulfilled 44 days later on 6th February 2013).

22-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Massive, Intensive And A Sudden Solar Flare To Hit The Earth (Prophesied on 16th February 2012, fulfilled 19 days later on 6th March 2012).

21-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Very Massive Destruction Coming To The United States Of America By November 2012 As Hurricane Sandy Hits and Causes Havoc And Destruction In Over 15 States In The USA (Prophesied on 9th July 2012, fulfilled 4 months later in November 2012).

20-Accurate Fulfillment of The Prophesy of The Elections In The USA Being Held At A Time Of Crisis (Prophesied on 5th September 2012, fulfilled 2 months later as from 27th October 2012).

19-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Huge Storm Coming To The Caribbean (Prophesied in early 2011, fulfilled one and a half year later in late October 2012).

18-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Re-Election Of The USA President Barack Obama (Prophesied on 17th October 2012, fulfilled 3 weeks later on 6th November 2012).

17-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of An Imminent Very Massive Attack On The United States Of America Property Of Interest As Iranian Fighter Jets Attack A USA Drone (Prophesied on 24th October 2012, fulfilled 8 days later on 1st November 2012).

16-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Huge Bright Meteor Over The Skies Of New Zealand (Prophesied on 17th March 2012, fulfilled 15 days later on 2nd April 2012).
15-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Police Countering Riots In A New Police State As Riots Breaks Out In Chicago During 2012 NATO Summit (Prophesied on 18th May 2012, fulfilled 2 days later on 20th May 2012).

14- Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Tropical Storm Beryl In The United States Of America n(Prophesied on 25th May 2012, fulfilled 2 days later on 27th May 2012).

13-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Judgment Coming To The Nation Of China (Prophesied on 30th June 2012, fulfilled less than 48 hours later on 1st July 2012).

12-Accurate Fulfillment Of The First Part Of The Prophesy Where I Saw Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu In A Negotiation Which Eventually Failed Leading To A War With A Conglomeration Of Nations (Prophesied on 1st August 2012, fulfilled on 2nd August 2012).

11-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Judgment of The LORD Coming To The Nation Of Canada As The Biggest Earthquake to Hit Canada since 1949 Strikes Canada, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake (Prophesied on 16th August 2012, fulfilled 2 months later on 28th October 2012).

10-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Where I Heard Barack Obama Calling For Religious Tolerance After The Libyan Mob Attack On USA Consulate (Prophesied on 12th September 2012, fulfilled one month later on 10th October 2012).

9-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of The Illuminati Holding An Evil Music Concert During The Hurricane Sandy Benefit Concert (Prophesied on 16th July 2012, fulfilled 4 months later in November 2012).

8-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of An Earthquake To Hit Indian Ocean (Prophesied on 16th June 2012, fulfilled 2 days later on 18th June 2012).

7-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Repentance Message Being Taken To South Africa (Prophesied on 16th January 2012, fulfilled One month later on 13th February 2012 and also 8 months later on 21st September 2012).

6-The Manifestation Towards The Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A False Rapture Orchestrated By Satan In What I Was Made To Understand To Be Known As “A Blue Beam Rapture” (Prophesied on 3rd April 2012, fulfilled 16 days later on 19th April 2012).

5-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Crop Failure And Dry Maize Stalks In Kenya (Prophesied on 3rd September 212, fulfilled 4 days later on 7th September 2012).

4-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Where I Saw USA President Barack Obama Reading A Bible (Prophesied on 31st August 2012, fulfilled 4 days later on 4th September 2012).

3-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of Very Huge Earthquakes Coming To The Earth Including a 7.5 earthquake And Also An Airplane Crash In The Arab Region Involving A Prominent Leader Following The Nations Of The Earth Coming Together Against Israel (Prophesied on 30th November 2012, fulfilled  one week later on 7th December 2012 and also on 5th January 2013 and also on 3rd June 2013).

2-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Sharp Focus On The Nation Of North Korean Military Success Against A Backdrop Of A Starving Population (Prophesied on 8th November 2012, fulfilled 2 months later on 12th December 2012).

1-Accurate Fulfillment Of The Prophesy Of A Great Famine To Another Greater Level Coming To North Korea (Prophesied on 8th November 2012 fulfilled 2 and a half months later on 29th January 2013).


75-Vision (Prophesy) of Very Intense Lobbying For Ministerial Positions In The Nation Of Israel After The Election Vote Ends. Also Prophesy Of a Historical, an Unprecedented and Increased Talk In Israel (Including Amongst The Elected Knesset Members And The Leadership) About The Return of The Messiah Jesus Christ (Prophesied on 17th March 2015).

74-Prophesy Where I Saw Leading World Leaders Gathered To Sign A Deal (Prophesied on 10th March 2015). 

73-Prophesy of a Weather-Related Distress Coming To The Nation Of Malaysia In What Looks Like A Historical Snow Storm And Mist Cover (Prophesied on 8th March 2015). 

72-A Vision Where I Heard The Lord Say: “They Have Split My Holy Mountain Into Two, As They Fight Over My Mountain; With The Southern Part Of The Mountain Going To My Enemy!!!”. Also A Prophesy Of An Upcoming Distress Involving Israel President (Prophesied on 1st March 2015).

71-Prophesy Of A Controversy And A Confrontation Coming To The Earth Between The Nation Of Australia And The Nation Of The United States Of America (Prophesied on 26th February 2015).

70-Vision (Prophesy) Of A Technological Implant (The Mark Of The Beast) Coming To Be Fully Rolled-Out Worldwide On The Earth Including In Churches And Medical Centers E.T.C (Prophesied on 26th February 2015).

69-Vision (Prophesy) Of A Controversy Coming To Kenya’s Nairobi Stock Exchange Leading To A Group Of Investors Making Millions Within A Very Short Time Period (Prophesied on 17th February 2015).

68-Vision Of The Anti-Christ Locking The Places Of Worship Of The Lord Jesus Christ And Then Taking The Keys (Prophesied on 14th February 2015).

67-Prophesy Of A Distress (Trouble) Coming To The Nation Of Israel Leading To Loss Of Press And Media Freedom In The Nation Of Israel (Prophesied on 11th February 2015).

66-Prophesy Of A Big (Huge) Earthquake Coming To Hit Jerusalem In The Nation Of Israel (Prophesied on 29th January 2015).

65-Vision of The Man of Lawlessness And Also A Prophesy Of An Upcoming Distress Coming To The United States of America (Prophesied on 2nd February 2015).

64-Vision Of The Beast That Was Slain Yet Lived, And How He Is Currently Increasing His Influence Across The World And Also An Upcoming Rage By The Beast Towards Those Who Profess Faith In The Lord Jesus Christ. Also another 5.7 Earthquake Hits California, USA as A Pointer To A Mega Historical Earthquake Coming There Very Very Soon (Prophesied on 30th January 2015).

63-Vision (Prophesy) Where I Heard The Voice Of The Lord Say: “Remain Up, Because I Am Coming” (Prophesied on 16th January 2015).

62-A Vision (Prophesy) Of A Distress Coming To A Place Here On The Earth Whereby A Huge Airplane Carrying “A Big Person” Crashes Down Causing Panic And Distress Amongst The People (Prophesied on 28th January 2015).

61-Prophesy Of An Upcoming Very Massive And A Very Serious Military Confrontation Coming To The Earth Whereby Several Fighter Military Jets Are Going To Be Used In The War And The Fight. The Forerunner To This Will Be A Red Blood Appearance On The Sky (Cloud, Moon E.T.C) (Prophesied on 20th January 2015).

60-Vision (Prophesy) Of An Upcoming Escalation Of War Coming To The Earth Pitting Governmental Military Forces (Including The Nigerian Military Force) Against Islamist Militants (Jihadists). Also A Vision (Prophesy) Of The Use Of A Very Sophisticated Technological Military Gadget By The United States Of America In The Form Of A Sniper Camera To Pinpoint Target Person(s) (Prophesied on 14th January 2015).

59-A Prophesy Of Very Massive Shaking And Destruction Coming To The Earth Leading To Roads And Highways Being Blocked By Huge Fallen Trees (Prophesied on 10th January 2015).

58-A Very Startling Vision (Prophesy) Where The LORD God Almighty Writes On The Sky With White Markings (Writings), As A Humongous Darkness Covers The Sky; The Message On The Writing Being A Judgment Of The LORD On A Figurative Egypt: The United States Of America (Prophesied on 25th December 2014).

57-Vision (Prophesy) of Strange “Visitors” Coming Onto The Earth Very Very Imminently, Signifying The Fact That Time Is Absolutely Over!!! (Prophesied on 22nd December 2014).

56-Prophesy Of A Most Fearsome And A Very Infectious Disease Coming To The Earth; A Disease That Will Make Its Victims (The Infected) To Loose A Considerable Weight Within A Very Short Time And Their Bodies Will Turn Pale Green. Also A Vision Of A Very Huge Burning Object (Like A Fiery/Flaming Torch) Flying Very Deep Across The Sky (Prophesied on 12th December 2014).

55-Vision (Prophesy) Of A Very Big And A Very Bright Moon-Like Object Moving To A Very Close Proximity To The Earth (Prophesied on 6th December 2014).

54-Prophesy Of A “Rain Of Sand” Coming To The Earth With Rocky Objects Hitting The Earth Leading Even To Airplanes Not Being Able To Fly In The Sky Due To Very Poor Visibility As A Result Of The Dusty Particles Causing A Darkening Of The Sky And Obstruction Of View (Prophesied on 19th November 2014).

53-Prophetic Visions Of Shopped (Purchased) House Items/Gadgets That Are Able To Watch Their Users (Buyers) (Prophesied on 6th November 2014).

52-Prophesy Of A Judgment Of The Lord Coming To Touch The Region Of North America (Including The Nation Of Mexico) (Prophesied on 4th November 2014).

51-Prophesy (Vision) Of A Very Serious Head Injury From A Gunshot Attack Coming To The Earth Involving USA President Barack Obama As A Fulfillment Of The Scripture That Says: “One Of The Heads Of The Beast Seemed To Have Had A Fatal Wound, But The Fatal Wound Had Been Healed.” (Prophesied on 13th October 2014).

50-Prophesy Of A Mega Historical Earthquake Coming To The Earth Very Very Very Soon As A Judgment Of The LORD (Prophesied on 2nd October 2014).

49-Prophesy (Vision) Of The Realignment Of The World’s Administrative Blocks/Units Into “Coalitions” To Create A One World Government (The Beast System) (Prophesied on 14th September 2014).

48-A Very Powerful Vision (Prophesy) Of The Rapture Of The Bride Of Christ With The Details Of How It Will Occur And Feel (Prophesied on 8th September 2014).

47-Prophesy Of An Impending Distress Coming To The Nation Of Kenya In The Form Of Assassination Of A Leading Kenyan Politician (Prophesied on 28th July 2014).

46- Prophesy of A Political And A Security Controversy Coming To The Eastland Area Of Nairobi City In The Nation of Kenya (Prophesied on 27th July 2014).

45-Prophesy Of A Very Massive Devastation Coming To New York City In The United States Of America (Prophesied on 22nd July 2014).

44-Prophesy Of A Very Great Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of Taiwan (Prophesied on 25th June 2014).

43-Prophesy Of A Tripartite Mega (Very Huge) Historical Earthquakes Coming To The Nation Of India, The Nation Of Cameroun And The Nation Of The United Kingdom (Prophesied on 9th June 2014).

42-Prophesy Of An Upcoming Crackdown In The United States Of America (And Indeed The Entire Earth) Of Those Preaching About (Against) The Mark Of The Beast (Prophesied on 11th May 2014).

41-Prophesy (Vision) Of An Upcoming East African Economic Integration Involving Even Treasury (Finance/Funds) Being Consolidated (Prophesied on 1st May 2014).

40-Prophesy Of Missile Attack By North Korea On The West Coast Of The United States of America: Particularly The State Of California (Prophesied on 22nd April 2014).

39-Prophesy Of A New Sexually Transmitted Disease Coming To The Earth Particularly From A Country In The Region Of South America (Prophesied on 31st October 2013).

38-A Vision (Prophesy) Where I Saw USA President Barack Obama Talking About And Arguing For The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process And Even Justifying From The Bible The Peace Treaty With Many Nations (“Block Of Nations”) (Prophesied on 15th October 2013).

37-A Revelation (Prophesy) Of A Great Famine Coming To The Earth During The Great Tribulation Period Whereupon People Will Fight And Scramble Over Food (Prophesied on 6th October 2013).

36-Prophesy Of A Mega Historic Earthquake That Will Hit The Ocean Waters Of The Nation Of New Zealand With A Potential To Cause A Very Massive And A Huge Tsunami (6th October 2013).

35-Prophesy Of A Very Massive And Great Earthquake Of 8+ Coming To The Nation Of Indonesia (Prophesied on 4th October 2013).

34-Prophesy Of The Judgment Of The LORD Eventually The Touching All The States Of The United States Of America Including A Huge Earthquake In The State Of Virginia (Prophesied on 2nd October 2013).

33-A Vision And A Prophesy Of 4 Moons In The Sky And Also A Thermonuclear Event Coming To The Earth From The Sky (Sun) (Prophesied on 7th September 2013).

32-A Prophesy Of A Big Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of Portugal. And Also A Prophesy Of A Weather-Related Great Famine Coming To The Earth (Prophesied on 6th September 2013).

31-Prophesy Of The Most Distressing And Shocking Dark Moment Coming To The Nation Of Kenya Involving Kenyan President And Also Kenyan Opposition Leader(Prophesy Of A Coming Very Shocking And A Distressing Murder (Death) Of Top-Level Political Leaders In The Nation Of Kenya At The Hands Of Militant Gunmen) (Prophesied on 30th August 2013).

30-Prophesy Of The Nation Of Kenya Going For A Referendum On Devolution And The Central Government Loosing The Referendum Vote (Prophesied on 27th August 2013).

29-Prophesy Of The Next Olympic Games Being Held At A Time When The Mark Of The Beast Is Fully Entrenched. And Also Prophesy Of A Very Serious Confrontation Coming Between The United States Of America And Russia (Prophesied on 21st August 2013).

28-Prophesy Of A Second “Sun” Near The Usual Sun, With The Same Brightness As The Sun, As The Sun Is Setting (Prophesied on 7th August 2013).

27-Prophesy Of A Moon-Like Body Moving Very Close To The Earth And Causing Distress On The Earth (Prophesied on 3rd August 2013).

26-Prophesy Of The Land Of The United States Of America Tearing Up Like A Piece Of Paper And Creating A Deadly Huge Deep Trench On A Long Fault-Line (Prophesied on 18th July 2013).

25-Prophesy Of A Horrendous Sudden Darkness Coming To The Earth (Prophesied on 7th July 2013).

24-Prophesy Of A Huge Historical Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of Kenya (Prophesied on 25th June 2013).

23-Prophesy Of A Mega, Humongous And A Historical Earthquake Coming To The Nation Of Mongolia (Prophesied on 3rd June 2013).

22-The Prophesy Of A Mega Historical Earthquake That Will Hit California, USA Which Will Be A 9 Or A 10 On The Richter Scale (First Prophesied on 29th May 2012 and on 10 other different occasions).

21-The Prophesy Of The Split Of The Land Of The United States Of America Into Two And The Prophesy Of World War III Coming To The Earth (Prophesied on 26th January 2013).

20-The Prophesy Of The Nations Of The Earth Being Sparked Into A Nuclear War (Prophesied on 21st January 2013).

19-The Prophesy Of Increased Tension Coming To The Middle East Involving Iran, USA And Other Arab Countries (Prophesied on 9th December 2012).

18-The Prophesy Of The Mark Of The Beast Being Radio Frequency Identification Micro-Chip (The RFID Micro-Chip) (First Prophesied on 8th April 2012 and on several other occasions).

17-A Prophetic Dream On 11th May 2012 Where I Was Shown That The Current Massive And Historical Flooding Worldwide Is A Precursor To Major Natural Calamities And Disasters (Sudden Destruction).

16-Prophesy of A Huge Shinning Object In The Sky That I thought was a “Second Sun”, But Which Turned Out To Be An Explosive Object ( A Nuclear/Bomb Missile) (Prophesied on 12th April 2012).

15-A Prophetic Dream On 19th March 2012 When I Heard It Being Announced That Judgement Must Now Take Place Against The Nations That Have Not Heed To The Call To Repentance;

14-A Prophetic Dream On 20th January 2012 About The Widespread Demonic Attacks And The Return Of The Nephilim During The Great Tribulation Period.

13-A Prophetic Dream on 28th February 2012 Where I Was Shown The Widespread Immorality And Insanity That Would Befall The Earth During The Great Tribulation Period.

12-A Prophetic Dream On 1st March 2012 Where The LORD Presented To Me The Map Of The Earth And Showed Me The Imminent Re-Alignment Of Geographical Positions Of Various Nations Of The Earth In Readiness For The Millennium Reign.

11-A Prophetic Dream On 5th January 2012 Where I Was Shown The Connection Between An Imminent Huge Tsunami In The USA And It’s Ushering Of The Rapture Of The Bride Of Christ.

10-A Prophetic Dream On 25th November 2011 Where I Saw Widespread Chaos, Regret And A Large Green Object In The Sky Moments After The Rapture Occurred And There Had Also Been A Sudden Destruction.

9-A Prophetic Dream On 21st October 2011 About Two Moons And Two Suns In The Sky.

8-A Prophetic Dream On 16th October 2011 Where I Was Shown People I Was Made To Understand To Be Known As “Aliens” Beating And Torturing People Of The Earth.

7-A Prophetic Dream On 11th October 2011 Where I Was Shown Red Blood Sky.

6-A Prophetic Dream In The Middle Of 2011 About An Asteroid From The Sky Hitting The Earth.

5-Prophesy On 1st August 2012 Of A War Involving Israel Against A Conglomeration Of Nations (A Dream Where I Saw Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu In A Negotiation Which Eventually Failed Leading To A War With A Conglomeration Of Nations).

4-Prophesy On 16th August 2012 Of Martial Law Coming To The United States Of America.

3-The Prophesy On 12th September 2012 Of Persecution Of Christians (The Left-Behind) By The Anti-Christ During The Great Tribulation Period.

2-A Prophesy On 28th October 2011 of People Queuing To Obtain a New Currency and an Announcement Was Also Made That: “Russia Supports Iran”.

1- The Prophesy On Various Occasions Of The Identity Of The Anti-Christ/The Man Of Lawlessness/The Beast to be USA President Barack Obama.



-PART A of The Accurately fulfilled Prophesies of The LORD:

-PART B of The Accurately fulfilled Prophesies of The LORD:

-The Not Yet Fulfilled Prophesies of The LORD



Precious Jesus, 

I acknowledge today that you are LORD and savior of all mankind, 

and today I have recognized my shortfall,

I repent and turn away from all sin. 

Please cover me with your precious blood, 

and establish your word in my life,

that I may be found in righteousness and holiness 

and write my name in your book of life 

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit 

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 


Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!! 

Your Brother in Christ and A Servant of The LORD

Prophet Kevin Mirasi

1-Visions of The Mark of The Beast:

2-The Compilations of The Prophesies Fulfilled and The Not Yet Fulfilled: 

3-E-mail address:

4-TwitterLink:  (@KevinMirasi) 

7-The Pure Messages (Teachings) of The LORD:


  1. Amen 100 fulfilled prophecies is mighty in the Lord. I can say that in my own life and the people closest to me that we truly are in the latter day outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I have never seen Him move so fast and so much on people's hearts, including my own.


    1. AMEN. Glory and honour to The Most High God.

  3. does all/most of the 75 rest have to be fullfilled before the rapture, or do you think rapture can happen any moment? do you think there is a good chance rapture is this year?

    1. No, they all do not need to be fulfilled before the rapture. A big chunk will be fulfilled during the Great Tribulation period (After The Rapture of The Bride of Christ).


    Maranatha and take our family in HEAVEN too when you come take your Bride!

    Yahushua haMashiach

  5. Sir, you are very sure about the next year Olympics 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August will be "at a time when people will have 666 on their heads"? That means rapture must take place this year or just before August 2016? That's huge sir! Am trembling with excitement!!!
