
Sunday 26 April 2015


The prophesy that The LORD spoke to me about and revealed to me on 9th June 2014 about a most distressing, very tremendous and a mega historical earthquake coming to the nation of India and indeed the wider Indian sub-continent (South Asia) has shockingly been accurately fulfilled 10 months later on 25th April 2015. 

This follows a mega, historical and and a deadly earthquake of magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale, whose impact has been magnified due to its shallow nature; with an unfortunately a very large number of fatalities (deaths), with over 2,000 dead from this mega earthquake .This is the biggest earthquake in that region in 81 years. To signify how Mega this earthquake was, it couldn’t be contained by one country and so it touched 4 nations of India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Tibet (near china) as it touched the wider Indian sub-continent region. These are majorly places deeply immersed in Hinduism and Hindu culture; whose main focal point is the nation of India.

While posting and sharing the prophesy of The LORD across 10 months ago, back then on 9th June 2014, I stated as follows: ‘“In the morning of 9th June 2014 (East African Time) at about 3:40am, The LORD God Almighty; The creater of Heaven and the earth, the creater of the oceans and the mountains, The LORD of Hosts, The Great I AM, JEHOVAH, YAHWEH; The LORD Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit spoke to me in a very powerful and mighty way through a prophetic supernatural dream (Vision at night). And in this very mighty communication of The LORD, The LORD presented before me the nation of India. And The LORD made me know that a very tremendous and historical mega (very huge) earthquake is coming to hit the nation of India. And in the prophetic supernatural dream of The LORD, I was shown that the earthquake will be of a very tremendous magnitude on the Richter scale. And so in this prophetic dream of The LORD, The LORD showed some two young ladies walking along a road; and when I looked at them, I presumed that they were of Indian descent based on their appearance. And so I walked over to them and I told them under the inspiration and power of The Holy Spirit: “I believe you come from India, but even if you do not come from India, I’m requesting you to pray for the nation of India; because a Mega Historical earthquake has just hit India!!!”’

So The LORD spoke very clearly in that prophesy about the nation of India, and also about a people of Indian descent (which includes the people of India and also the people of Nepal; a country with a very elaborate Hindu culture and Hinduism, a people of Indian descent). So this very devastating mega earthquake whose epicenter was in Nepal also touched and ravaged the nation of India (Particularly the Northern and the eastern part) including the capital city of India, New Delhi. The prophesy also talked about The LORD God Almighty being The God of even the mountains; so it has come as a shock that the highest Mountain on the earth (mount Everest) also had a very devastating and worst ever disaster and avalanche as a result of this mega historical earthquake. So the very shocking and breaking news that has caught the world’s attention in awe and disbelief on 25th April 2015 had already been revealed in that prophesy of The LORD that I faithfully posted and shared across, 10 months earlier on 9th June 2014, which I also stated as follows back then: And while still in this very mighty prophetic dream of The LORD, I went to the news channels and I saw how Mega this Indian earthquake was.” 

While posting the prophesy of The LORD 10 months earlier, I also mentioned about tectonic plates moving and shifting as a result of the mega historical earthquake that was to hit the India region, so this has shockingly also come to pass as the global news channels have reported as follows: '"Saturday's slip took place over an area about 1,000 to 2,000 square miles over a zone spanning the cities of Kathmandu and Pokhara in one direction, and almost the entire Himalaya mountain width in the other. A part of India slid about one to 10 feet northwards and underneath Nepal in a matter of seconds."'  

Remember, the prophesy of The LORD also stated as follows, of which I posted and shared across on 9th June 2014: ‘“And so The LORD is calling upon everyone everywhere to turn away from sin and seek the blood of The LORD Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins so that their sins be washed away by the blood of The LORD Jesus Christ. And so The LORD is calling upon all to turn away from idolatry, false religions (including Hinduism), witchcraft, sexual immorality (including rape, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, prostitution etc) and many other forms of sin. The LORD is thus saying that these are the days of birth pains and distress across the nations as He spoke about to His prophets of the olden times; the days that usher in the Rapture of The bride of Christ and also The Great Tribulation upon the earth. And that these are indeed the days of their fulfillment; and so a mega historical earthquake will soon hit the nation of India.”’ 

So The LORD mentioned Hinduism, idolatry and false religion in that prophesy of 9th June 2014. So it has come as a shock that even Hinduism Temples (Which news reportage described as: “centuries-old Hindu Temples”) where they practiced false religion and idolatry came tumbling down when the mega earthquake struck on 25th April 2015 as The hand of The LORD wiped away towers of idolatry and false religions; as The LORD had passed a very heavy judgment on false religion (including Hinduism) and idolatry in that prophesy of 9th June 2014 (10 months earlier).

The LORD is thus calling for Repentance for the forgiveness of sins and turning away from idolatry, witchcraft, sexual immorality, false religion and all kinds and forms of sins everywhere on the earth including in South Asia, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Tibet. The LORD thus wants everyone everywhere on the earth to then walk in Righteousness (Right before The LORD by following the ways and the requirements of The LORD), Holiness (Set apart for the glory and honbour of The LORD), Truth (Without deception, falsehood or lies) and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ (No lukewarmness; so we need to be hot for The LORD) in preparing the way for the very imminent coming of The LORD Jesus Christ to Rapture His Bride: Because Time is Absolutely Over!!!


1-While posting and sharing the prophesy of The LORD back then on 9th June 2014, I titled this prophesy as follows: Prophesy Of A Tripartite Mega (Very Huge) Historical Earthquakes Coming To The Nation Of India, The Nation Of Cameroun And The Nation Of The United Kingdom.”


(a)- ‘“A strong earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale shook Nepal and several provinces in India, including the national capital, leaving a trail of devastation in the Himalayan nation. The temblor that occurred at 11:41 am IST, with its epicentre in Nepal, flattened houses, caused huge craters and cracks on roads in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu, and sent people scampering out of their offices and homes.”’

(b)- ‘“Tremors were felt in several provinces in northern, eastern and northeastern parts of India, including national capital New Delhi, over 1100 kilometres from the Nepalese capital.  According to Indian Meteoroligical Department, tremors were felt in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab, lasting for a minute, triggering panic and forcing people to rush out of their homes and offices.”’

( c)- ‘“There was no official word about casualties from any of the states but reports from West Bengal said cracks appeared in several multi-storeyed buildings in Siliguri in north Bengal. An incident of wall collapse was reported from Telipara in Jalpaiguri district.”’

(d)- ‘“The quake, Nepal's worst in 81 years, was more destructive for being shallow, toppling buildings, opening gaping cracks in roads and sending people scurrying into the open as aftershocks rattled their damaged homes.”’

(e)- ‘“The three Royal Squares, Patan Bhaktapur and Kathmandu Durbar Squares, suffered significant damage. In Patan, several temples collapsed, sending thousands of people running for their lives. The square was packed with tourists and locals out enjoying a Saturday afternoon relaxing on temple stoops and wandering through the historic buildings.”’

(f)- “The taxi and bus system disintegrated, leading to an exodus of thousands of people walking through the streets of the capital to get home, many stopping to gawk at destroyed temples and houses.”

(g)- ‘“Strong tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi and other northern cities in India.
At least 34 people were known to have died in India, including 23 in the eastern state of Bihar, while buildings in the capital New Delhi had to be evacuated. Laxman Singh Rathore, director-general of the Indian Meteorological Department, told reporters that the impact had been felt across large areas of the country. "The intensity was felt in entire north India. More intense shocks were felt in eastern UP (Uttar Pradesh) and Bihar, equally strong in sub-Himalayan West Bengal, Sikkim," he said.”’

(h)- ‘“Indian prime minister Narendra Modi said in a tweet: "We are in the process of finding more information and are working to reach out to those affected, both at home and in Nepal"’.

(i)- ‘“A police officer in the control room of the Indian state of Bihar said the phone lines were jammed with callers from across the heavily populated state. "We don't know about the casualties, we are flooded with calls," the officer said.”’

(j)- ‘“China's official Xinhua news agency said that two people, including an 83-year-old woman, were killed in the Tibet region as a result of the quake. The earthquake was also felt across large areas of Bangladesh, triggering panic in the capital Dhaka as people rushed out onto the streets. In the garment manufacturing hub of Savar, on the outskirts of Dhaka, at least 50 workers were injured after the quake set off a stampede in a garment factory, according to the private Jamuna television. The earthquake is Nepal's worst since a magnitude-8.3 quake struck the impoverished Himalayan nation in 1934, killing over 8,500 people.”’

(k)- “But the worst damage was in Kathmandu, where the historic nine-storey Dharahara tower, a major tourist attraction, was among buildings brought down. At least a dozen bodies were taken away from the ruins of the 19th-century tower, according to an AFP photographer, who saw similar scenes of multiple casualties throughout the city.”

(l)- ‘“A Reuters reporter in Kathmandu said he had seen some buildings collapse and walls of several houses reduced to rubble. "Everyone is out in the streets, people are rushing to the hospital," the reporter said. The city is home to ancient, wooden Hindu temples. Photographs posted online showed buildings left in rubble, large cracks along roads and residents sitting in the street holding babies. Tremors were felt as far away as New Delhi and other northern cities in India, with reports of tremors lasting almost one minute. "Massive tremors have been felt here in Delhi and several other parts of India," said a newsreader on NDTV in Delhi. "You can see pictures of our Delhi studios, where the windows rattled and everything shook for a very long time, for a minute perhaps or longer," she said as footage showed studio ceiling camera lights shaking.”’

(m)- ‘“The massive 7.9 earthquake in neighbouring Nepal gave a huge jolt to several north Indian states as well. As reports of large-scale damage and casualties poured in from Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh, the death toll in India climbed to 52, with hundreds injured. At least 25 people were killed and nearly 200 injured in various parts of Bihar while 24 deaths, mostly of children, were reported from Uttar Pradesh and three persons were killed in West Bengal. People across large parts of north India, from Himachal Pradesh to Madhya Pradesh and from the Northeast to Rajasthan, felt the two-minute-long tremor and its aftershocks. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on the phone through the day reaching out to chief ministers of affected states, pledging assistance. Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar, who cut short his Delhi visit, confirmed the 25 deaths in his state after a crisis management meeting in Patna. State officials said the figure could go higher. The impact of the earthquake was felt in Patna as well, with people fleeing from swaying high-rises and homes in panic.”’

(n)- ‘“A strong earthquake has been felt in several areas of North and North east India. The magnitude of the earthquake was 7 on the richter scale.  The epicentre of the earthquake was East of Pokhra in Nepal. Tremors were felt in various parts of India, including NCR, MP, Odisha, Assam, West Bengal, Jaipur, Ranchi, UP.”’

(o)- ‘“Late Saturday morning turned tragic across north India and more so in neighbouring Nepal when a high intensity earthquake wreaked havoc causing major loss of life and property across a vast stretch of the region today – intensity of earthquake was a mammoth 7.9 on Richter scale. As many as 1,805 people have been declared dead so far in Nepal, while in India the toll now is 51. Huge tremors also rocked the Delhi-NCR twice over, for second time at 12.17 pm, sending people rushing out of their buildings in panic.”’

(p)- ‘“Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, bordering Nepal, were the worst affected parts of India in the earthquake. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself monitoring the situation and issuing directives, massive rescue and relief operations were initiated on war-footing basis.”’

(q)- ‘“An Indian army mountaineering team found 18 bodies on Mount Everest on Saturday, an army spokesman said, the earthquake in Nepal unleashed an avalanche on the mountain at the start of the main climbing season.”’

(r)- ‘“Shockingly, there were as many as 14 aftershocks that hit these areas. The severity of the earthquake can be gauged from the fact that even the 13th aftershock was of very high intensity of above 6.6  on Richter scale. It was no wonder then that the effects of the quake in India have been felt as far down as Orissa.”’

(s)- “Areas of North and Eastern India were damaged by the 7.9 earthquake which ravaged neighboring Nepal. Authorities are still assessing the death and damage toll.”

(t)- ‘“ A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday, killing at least 718 people across a swath of four countries as the violently shaking earth collapsed houses, leveled centuries-old temples and triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years.”’

(u)- ‘“It was a few minutes before noon when the quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 7.8, began to rumble across the densely populated Kathmandu Valley, rippling through the capital Kathmandu and spreading in all directions -- north toward the Himalayas and Tibet, south to the Indo-Gangetic plains, east toward the Brahmaputra delta of Bangladesh and west toward the historical city of Lahore in Pakistan.”’

(v)- “The quake — with the same magnitude as the one that hit San Francisco in 1906 — was about 16 times more powerful than the 7.0 quake that devastated Haiti in 2010.”


1-Business Standard

Headline: Massive quake hits Nepal, shakes India

2-The Sydney Herald

Headline: Earthquake of 7.8 magnitude shakes Nepal, tremors felt in India


Headline: Nepal earthquake collapses buildings in Kathmandu and northern India killing more than 1,800, officials say

4- Zee News

Headline: Massive earthquake rattles Nepal, rocks India: As it happened

5- Financial Times’

Headline: Nepal earthquake death toll reach 1,800, India toll at 51; rescue operations on

6-Hindu Times

Headline: Nepal earthquake: 52 dead, hundreds injured in India, huge damage in bordering areas

7-Asia News

Headline: Massive 7.9 Magnitude Earthquake in Nepal, Tremors Felt Across Northern India


Headline: India Assesses Earthquake Deaths, Damage

9-The News Tribe

Headline: Earthquake Jolts India, Nepal And Pakistan

10-Christian Science Monitor

Headline: Devastating Nepal quake shakes four countries, killing more than 800

11- ABP Live

Headline: Kamakhya temple collapses as Nepal earthquake shakes India

12-Fiji Times

Headline: India shaken by Nepal quake



Precious Jesus, 

I acknowledge today that you are LORD and savior of all mankind, 

and today I have recognized my shortfall,

I repent and turn away from all sin. 

Please cover me with your precious blood, 

and establish your word in my life,

that I may be found in righteousness and holiness 

and write my name in your book of life 

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit 

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 


Shalom!!! Shalom!!! Shalom!!! 

Your Brother in Christ and A Servant of The LORD

Prophet Kevin Mirasi

1-Visions of The Mark of The Beast:

2-Compilations of The Prophesies Fulfilled and The Not Yet Fulfilled: 

3-E-mail address:

4-TwitterLink:  (@KevinMirasi) 

6-The Pure Messages (Teachings) of The LORD:


  1. England where are you? Your missionaries loved to take the gospel to India!

  2. I hope that Hindus will wake up to the Jewish Messiah Jesus of Nazareth and realize that they need to stop using their Chakra and third eye for satanic visions. They need to start repenting and throwing away their idols and go with the Jewish Messiah. Jesus WAS NEVER IN INDIA, this is a lie from the devil to say Jesus is Buddha or Shiva and that there were missing parts of the Bible. And that Jesus made his way down to India during his life. And if you see pictures of Jesus in a Indian style way of sitting, with pictures of the Chakra, or in a Yoga position then that is NOT JESUS, that is BUDDHA and that is the devil. Beware!

  3. Anonymous, I agree! I believe that the Hand of God, destroyed those temples.

    1. The problem is not only their temples, but what is behind it. Back in ancient times, the high priests of Hindu and Buddhist temples would "listen" to people's problems. They would then charge them a fee and give them drugs. This is the same spirit behind modern day psychiatry, psychology, and medication for mental illnesses. See how subtle this creeped into the USA, Europe, Australia? Instead of this industry being infused with deliverance, Christian counseling, Christian doctors, etc. we have allowed idolatry into this arena.

  4. wont be long before the California tsunami and earthquake as prophesized by Bro. Kevin. If a 7.8 magnitude earth unleashed this much damage, imagine what a 9.8 or 10 will do. By the way sir, do you think God wanted to show the Nepalese Hindu worshippers that He is still the ultimate God? I hear that Nepal is the birth place of Hindu worship.

  5. God's shaking everything that can be shaken.

  6. God's shaking everything that can be shaken!

  7. I felt the Lord say to me. The earth is waking up, it has been asleep a very long time. There is a whole lot of shaking going on.

  8. Sir, I believe you will find that the Nepal quake was a foretaste. How convenient that an International EQ Symposium was held there 7 days before. We have numerous "strange" coincidences surrounding our current crop of quakes in Christchurch, New Zealand. 12:12:15 is 33wks to the day from 4:25:15. It was 321 days from the Brother's prophecy to the Nepal quake. Countdown? But beware - the West owes India and China much - and your Govt. gave CERN a dancing Shiva. CERN is a super weapon - it is the most powerful weapon on the planet. The earthquakes it generates are typified by feelings of nausea before hand and a circular motion, with birds swirling in circles instead of flying straight. It is like stand on jelly. They used Nukes and ultra low frequency radiation for ours for ours, but now we are getting the CERN sickness too. Th object is to negate the debt to India and China and call it an act of God...but He is allowing it...and the Assyrian is the Rod of His indignation. Go figure.
