
Friday, 15 April 2016


The Holy Word of God (The Holy Bible; which Includes the Old Testament and the New Testament) is the most Accurate Piece (Collection) of Information you can find anywhere. The Holy Bible is the Unparalleled, the Undeniable, the Uncontestable, the Incomparable, the Irreplaceable, the Insubstitutable and the Unchallengeable Truth; and it has been so for Ages since time immemorial. Even the Scientists and the Archaeologists in their Scientific Studies & Findings, and Archaeological Research have proved that indeed The Holy Bible is the Ultimate Truth. It is the Most Widespread Book Globally, ever since the earth was created. Many are the Rulers and Movements that have tried to completely destroy it, but none has ever succeeded in doing so for Centuries and for Millennia. The Holy Bible has been able to withstand the “Test of Time” for generations upon generations; because it is The Word of God. Generations have come and gone, but The Holy Bible (The Word of God) has always been a constant Presence on the earth. Blessed are those who Pick it and Read it; It’s everywhere, just needs picking. Blessed are those who Read it; for they never remain the same again, as they Read it: For therein is The Power and The Wise Counsel of The LORD. It has Supernaturally Survived and “weathered many a Storm”. The Prophets of The LORD of the Olden-Time and the Present-day Prophets of The LORD have used The Holy Bible (Not for Prediction), but to anchor The Word (the Message/the Prophecy) they receive from The LORD. This is Because The Holy Bible is The Word of God, and The Holy Bible is The LORD Himself revealing Himself to mankind and Speaking to mankind. Actually, The Holy Bible is The LORD revealed in form of Papers (Spiritual Papers). May The Word of God be written in your Hearts by The Holy Spirit.


BARUCH HASHEM ADONAI (Blessed Be the Name of The LORD).

Mathew 24: 35 ‘“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”’

John 1: 1-5 ‘“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”’

Your Brother in Christ and a Shepherd of The LORD,

Kevin Mirasi


  1. Amen. Hallelujah!

    Let us seek to have the Word of God written on the tablet/pages of our very hearts, as we look with anticipation for our Lord's return.

  2. Why is it that heaven and earth will pass away but not his word? Wpuld the bible even apply in the next life?

    1. Because His Word is eternal but planet earth and this heaven is not.

    2. Yes. .the Bible will be in Heaven but you'll already be rewired to the full goodness you can be so it will be the manifestation of the Word that'll make you like that ..perfect in all things.

    3. Hi Ali,

      I have responded to your other question posted April 9. I hope it is a word of encouragement.

      Also note that Jesus Christ is also know as the Living Word of God. The bible is simply a written representation/manifestation of the truth found in Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, the Creator of the universe...

  3. Hey Mirasi can you give me a guideline on how to read the bible

    1. Read it prayerfully. .that means ask the Lord to explain things to you that you don't understand and to ask the Lord to dig into your heart a little deeper and show you more truths in the things you do understand. Ask Him to help you to apply what you read into your real everyday life. And read it while you need answers to questions in life and read it for comfort and encouragement to help you grow more and also to pick you up when you get down. And read it when you want to know the future and read it when you need to give someone else some encouragement. And read it so that it will lead you into eternal life with Jesus .. pray for God to speak to you through His Word. .like ask Him to show you and point you to things you need to change inyour life to make your character and actions more like His actions and His character. .like try to please Him in all things you say and do . .these are some ways you can read the Bible to weave it into your life. Hope this helps. ..
      Pray and read it daily for maximum blessings. . .then when God begins to answer things to you then the Bible comes alive for you.
      Read it daily with great desire and hunger and God will surely fill your spiritual appetite. You'll never get enough of Him cuz there's always something more to learn about God. ..that's why you need all of eternity to spend with Jesus. ..He's so full of life and is a life giver with no end to His Great Love for you.

    2. Pray before you read it, and ask The LORD to help you Discern His Word through the help of The Holy Spirit. You can start with the Gospels as you move to the other Books of the Bible.

  4. Ali the reason why heaven and earth will pass away but not his word is because Jesus is the word of God and he lives forever and ever.

  5. Could the recent Russian planes flying by and harassing our USA battleship the last day or two be a completion of your prophetic word that a contention would come between Russia and the United States?
