1-Seek Peace that surpasses human understanding.
The Peace that only comes through and from Christ Jesus The Messiah.
2-Be Hopeful. Hope for a better tomorrow.
Hope in The LORD; hope that only comes from The LORD.
3-Do not dwell on the past. The past will drag you backwards.
Move forward, and be forward-looking and forward-thinking.
4-Rejoice in The LORD. Rejoice in Salvation.
For therein is the true Joy. The Joy of Life. The Joy of Life Eternal.
5-Life here on earth will always be full of challenges. Be positive-minded and positive-thinking.
6-Take one day at a time. Make the most of it. Do not be stressed about tomorrow. Leave tomorrow to The LORD.
7-Save and invest whenever you can. But do not forget to invest in Heaven; for it is the ultimate investment that you will count on, for eternity. Your soul depends on it.
8-Work hard and work smart, whenever an opportunity (opportunities) becomes available for you. Use your brain, your hand, your feet etc. the best way you can, to make yourself a better person economically, financially etc.
That you may put food and other material needs on the table etc.
9-Do not be too hard on yourself. Get time to rest, recharge, reflect, reset and refresh.
10-Strive to Prepare the way for entry into the Kingdom of The LORD God Almighty in Heaven. Your (our) existence on the earth is just for a Temporary time.
Preparing in Repentance, Righteousness, Holiness and Wisdom before The LORD The God of Heaven.
Your Brother in Christ Jesus, and a Shepherd of The LORD,
Kevin Mirasi