HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Through Repentance in the name of The LORD Jesus Christ, and thereby living in Truth; Righteousness; Holiness and complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ. Living day by day while watching and waiting for the imminent return of The LORD Jesus Christ, the darling of heaven. That is the bride of Christ that Jesus Christ is coming to snatch and rescue to heaven.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
The Very Powerful End-Time Articles To Prepare Us For The Coming of The LORD
Please click on the link below to get the PDF file.
Marriage supper of the lamb by Susan davis words from our god This save your soul! Also Dr Patricia green talks about tsunami and destruction on earth. Churches sold out to devil.
Marriage supper of the lamb by Susan davis words from our god This save your soul! Also Dr Patricia green talks about tsunami and destruction on earth. Churches sold out to devil.