
Monday 4 July 2016


I’m scheduled to go for the mission of The LORD (The Sacred Assembly of The LORD) in Albania (Eastern Europe), Malaysia (Southeast Asia) and Ethiopia very soon (very shortly), where I will go to deliver and share forth the Pure Word and Message of The LORD.

You are most welcome to Partner and Financially Support these missions of The LORD (The Sacred Assembly of The LORD), just the same way you have done before in the mission to Israel, South Africa, Germany and Malawi in the past. In doing so, you indeed will also be Serving The LORD in that way; that the sons and daughters of The LORD in these parts of the World may also hear and partake of the Pure Message (The Pure Word) of The LORD as relates to Preparing The Way for the Coming of The LORD Jesus Christ to Rapture (Take His Sons and Daughters to Heaven). The message of Repentance, Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ.

Your Partnership and Support is for the facilitation of Transportation, Accommodation and Logistical costs and outlays as relates to the missions.

The Message is delivered freely to the places scheduled.

The LORD Bless you. Thank you.


Your Brother in Christ Jesus and a Shepherd of The LORD,

Kevin Mirasi

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NAME: Kevin Mirasi


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