
Wednesday, 6 July 2016


BROTHER J (Question): “Brother, I have a question about the mark of the beast! I had a dream that a lot of my family had received the mark of the beast. And it was like there was a new demon in them, there was a new hype of temptation to the Christians and things were a lot harder. Can you confirm this that there would be another demon in this technology?”

KEVIN MIRASI (Response): Amen Brother J, Yes, there will be a demon in the Mark of the Beast (the Mark of the Devil). The RFID Microchip is not just a physical thing, but it has got a spiritual implication in that One gets connected to the devil; It's an Eternal treaty (Contract/agreement) with the devil; the devil uses it to Mark for himself, those who take it. So long as one has taken it they belong to satan forever and ever. That is the seriousness of it, and the Utmost Reason as to why No One should take the Mark of The Beast (R.F.I.D Micro-Chip). Nobody should take it even to the point of Death (being Martyred/Neck cut off); For very soon (after the Rapture of the Bride of Christ) it will be Mandatory during The Great Tribulation Period. Right now it’s already started being distributed and inserted into people Voluntarily. Actually as we speak the infrastructure of it is already complete; it is thus actually Fully Entrenched now as we speak. What has not happened is it being made Mandatory; which will happen very shortly after the Rapture of the Bride of Christ.

So Warn your Family, Friends and everyone everywhere not to take the Mark of the Beast (R.F.I.D Microchip), and above all to Prepare for the Rapture of The Bride of Christ by embracing Repentance for the forgiveness of their Sins, and thereby walking in Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and Complete Surrender to The LORD Jesus Christ so that they be Rescued (Delivered) from the Earth through The Rapture of The Bride of Christ.

It is very important to note that the Saints that will be on the earth during The Great Tribulation Period will be those who will accept Jesus Christ as their LORD, Master and Saviour during the Great Tribulation Period; they include some of the Lukewarm Christians who will have been Left-behind, and some of the “Cold People” (Atheists and people of other False Religions E.T.C) who will finally accept The LORD Jesus Christ as their LORD, Master and Saviour.


Revelation 14: 9-11 ‘“Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”’


NOTE: (Extremely Very Importantly):

-This “Monster/Demonic/Satanic thing” (Radio Frequency Identification Microchip; RFID Microchip: The Mark of The Beast) is coming closer and closer and closer every day and every year to its ultimate Plan. So when I posted and shared across a Prophecy 3 years ago on 21st August 2013, the below are some of Scenarios and Episodes that The LORD meant in that Prophecy of The LORD that I posted and shared across 3 years ago on 21st August 2013. That prophecy was titled: ‘“Prophesy of The Next Olympic Games Being Held at A Time When The Mark of the Beast Is Fully Entrenched.”’

I also stated as follows when posting and sharing across that Prophecy of The LORD back then on 21st August 2013: ‘“The first message that was imparted in my heart from this communication of The LORD is that the next Olympic Games that will be held in South America; will be held at a time when the Mark of The Beast will be fully entrenched.”’

The Rio, Brazil Olympic Games of 2016, as per the Prophecy of The LORD of 21st August 2013, was thus to be a very key Time indicative of this Full entrenchment of The R.F.I.D Microchip. Full Entrenchment in this context means Full Operation; still Voluntary now, but will be Mandatory shortly (During the Great Tribulation Period, after the Rapture of The Bride of Christ). Only The LORD God Almighty knows the Day or the Hour or the Month E.T.C of The Rapture of The Bride of Christ.

So below are some of Scenarios and Episodes that The LORD meant in that Prophecy of The LORD of 21st August 2013 (3 Years ago) about The Full Entrenchment that was to happen by Now (2016):

1-On 26th April 2016, it was widely reported in leading Global News channels (Including ABC News, Daily MAIL, CBS sports, ESPN etc.) as follows:

Title: “ARGENTINE FOOTBALL CLUB TIGRE LAUNCHES IMPLANTABLE MICROCHIP FOR DIE-HARD FANS”: ‘“For football lovers so passionate that joining a fan club just isn't enough, Argentine side Tigre has launched the "Passion Ticket": a microchip that die-hards can have implanted in their skin. In football-mad Argentina, fans are known for belting out an almost amorous chant to their favourite clubs: "I carry you inside me!" First-division side Tigre said it had decided to take that to the next level and is offering fans implantable microchips that will open the stadium turnstiles on match days, no ticket or ID required. "Carrying the club inside you won't just be a metaphor," the club wrote on its Twitter account. Tigre secretary general Ezequiel Rocino kicked things off by getting one of the microchips implanted in his arm, under an already existing tattoo in the blue and red of the club. The chips are similar to the ones dog and cat owners can have implanted in their pets in case they get lost. Rocino showed off the technology for journalists, placing his arm near a scanner to open the turnstile to the club's stadium 30 kilometres north of the capital, Buenos Aires. "The scanner will read the data on the implanted chip, and if the club member is up-to-date on his payments, will immediately open the security turnstile," the club said. Rocino said getting a chip would be completely voluntary. "We're not doing anything invasive, just accelerating access. There's no GPS tracker, just the member's data," he said.”’

2-On 22nd June 2016, it was reported in leading Global channels (including CBS) as follows:

Title:PEOPLE ARE IMPLANTING MICROCHIPS UNDER THEIR SKIN TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES”: ‘“Microchip implants are a popular way to keep track of pets, but now some people are getting them implanted in hopes of improving their lives. The microchips can help unlock doors or log into a cellphone. Tim Shank uses it to open his front door and manipulate his smart phone. “It turned off my ringer,” Shank said. Krissy Heishman uses hers instead of a key card at work. “It’s just like a little glass bead about the size of a tiny grain of rice,” Heishman said. They are among the growing number of people implanting technology under their skin. “We need to get rid of the accessories, we don’t want to carry devices, we want the devices built into us,” said Zoltan Istvan, of Mill Valley, who belongs to the Transhumanist Party. The movement seeks to radically improve humans though digital implants, even genetic manipulation. But instead of a doctor’s office, many people are turning to tattoo and piercing shops to get their implanted devices. Ryan Mills, of Skin Art Gallery, said, “We’re doing the procedure start to finish just like we would do an earring, a nose ring, a belly button ring. It’s just a little piece of glass.” The online company, Dangerous Things, sells the device and injection kit for $57. But their not alone, a San Francisco company is developing tiny implantable digital tattoos that’ll authenticate credit cards, track your location, even collect health data. But the next big thing does present an age old tech problem. “I have the older chip now. I need to get the upgrade,” Zoltan said. Constantly being forced to upgrade implanted technology can be a pain in more than just the pocketbook. Zoltan says his chip only works with Android and Samsung devices, but that he has an Apple device. These devices do come with other risks. in addition to infection, implantable tech raises some privacy and hacking concerns. Dangerous Things warns “the device has not been tested or certified by any regulatory agency.”’

3-On 15th January 2016, it was reported in leading Global channels (including The Telegraph etc.) as follows:

Title: “MAN USES MICROCHIP IMPLANTED IN HAND TO PASS THROUGH AIRPORT SECURITY”: ‘“A man who implanted a microchip containing his airline booking details into his hand was able to use it to pass effortlessly through security to his flight. Andreas Sjöström, vice president of digital for technology consulting company Sogeti, had the near-field communication chip (NFC) about the size of a grain of rice injected into his hand with a syringe, before using it at Stockholm Arlanda Airport to pass through security and board his plane. Sjöström uploaded his Scandinavian Airlines EuroBonus member ID to the xNT implant and using NFC readers in the Swedish airport was able to register his boarding pass and passport by simply pressing his hand to a scanner. Uploading a video of his effort to Youtube, Sjöström explained: “A few weeks ago I had an NFC chip implanted into my hand, just beneath the skin. In this video I use the chip to pass through Stockholm Arlanda airport, through security, at the lounge, and finally through the gate to the aircraft.” The microchip came from an American company called Dangerous Things. Its CEO, Amal Graafstra, told Mic, an American news website, that the trial was part of Scandinavian Airlines’ aim to further innovate its customer experiences, which currently includes an NFC-readable sticker that holds a passenger’s details. Sjöström said: “The biggest surprise was the feeling of being able to identify myself without anything other than my body. “I didn’t have to pull out anything. It gave me a new sensation, sort of a pre-notion of what it will be like in the future when we don’t have to reach out with physical objects to accomplish things.” “I’ve tried it with public transportation solutions, I’ve connected it to NFC-enabled door lock systems in offices,” he added. “I’ve succeeded with some and not with others. But if no one experiments, no one will find this out.”’

Revelation 13: 16-17 ‘“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”’



Precious Jesus,

I acknowledge today that you are LORD and Savior of all mankind,

and today I have recognized my shortfall,

I Repent and turn away from all Sin.

Please cover me with your Precious Blood,

and establish your Word in my life,

that I may be found in Righteousness and Holiness

and write my name in your Book of Life

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


Your Brother in Christ Jesus and a Shepherd of The LORD,

Kevin Mirasi


  1. May the Lord bless you brother.You are a true prophet of the Lord. Amen

  2. May GOD THE FATHER bless you Man OF GOD

  3. The mark of the beast..IS NOT KEEPING THE LUNAR SABBATH. The chip just reinforces the demonism. Christians know nothing about the Creator.
