Thursday 23 May 2024


In the morning of 23rd May 2024, I hear it being said: “Stop idol worship, and worship of stone-carvings”. I also hear “msikiti” (mosque).

The LORD then showed me a very huge carving of a god; with a “human-like” face and body. A very huge carving, that was in the underground, outwards. A very huge carving from/of the stone. A very huge stone-carving, that was being worshiped and considered a god therein.

The Spirit of The LORD then made me declare therein, to a group of people: ‘“Your stone-carving is not The LORD God Almighty.”’

The Vision (Supernatural Dream) of The LORD then ended.


Exodus 20:3-6 ‘“You shall have no other gods before Me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, The LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”’

Leviticus 26:1 ‘“You shall not make idols for yourselves; neither a carved image nor a sacred pillar shall you rear up for yourselves; nor shall you set up an engraved stone in your land, to bow down to it; for I am The LORD your God.”’

Isaiah 44: 17-20 ‘“And the rest of it he makes into a god, His carved image. He falls down before it and worships it, Prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!” They do not know nor understand; For He has shut their eyes, so that they cannot see, And their hearts, so that they cannot understand. And no one considers in his heart, Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say, “I have burned half of it in the fire, Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals; I have roasted meat and eaten it; And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?” He feeds on ashes; A deceived heart has turned him aside; And he cannot deliver his soul, Nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”’


Precious Jesus,

I acknowledge today that you are LORD and Savior of all mankind,

and today I have recognized my shortfall,

I Repent and turn away from all Sin.

Please cover me with your Precious Blood,

and establish your Word in my life,

that I may be found in Righteousness and Holiness

and write my name in your Book of Life

and baptize me with the power of the Holy Spirit

in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.



Your Brother in Christ Jesus, and a Shepherd of The LORD,



Kevin Mirasi


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