Saturday 10 August 2024


The LORD instructed me recently, to pray for His people; His sons and daughters. He instructed me to create time, and present before Him prayer requests/petitions of His sons and daughters.

To set up a Prayer hub of sort; wherein I will be praying for His sons and daughters, presenting their prayer requests and prayer petitions before The LORD The God of Heaven and the earth. Our Father, who art (lives) in Heaven.

The day I was to begin the prayer sessions/hub, The LORD visited me in a Vision (Supernatural Dream) of The LORD. The LORD showed me in the Vision, wherein I found myself praying (in the prayer hub/session) in the Vision of The LORD, and the presence of The LORD came forth like a Powerful Wind, over the place I was praying at. The LORD came forth as His Mighty Presence descended, as I was praying (for His sons and daughters) in the Vision of The LORD.

While still in the Vision of The LORD, The LORD showed me how He was going to move, as a result of the prayer hub/sessions. The LORD showed me people healed, delivered, set free, renewed, restored, revived, break-throughs. As an example, The LORD showed me even HIV-AIDS being healed of people. The Vision of The LORD then ended.

Meaning, that The LORD will be healing, setting free, reviving, refreshing, renewing and resetting His sons and daughters, as I continue to present before Him their prayer requests and prayer petitions.

The LORD also later made me know that this (the prayer hub) will be continuous. Creating time (almost on a daily basis) to pray for His sons and daughters.  

Not by (human) might nor by (human) power, but by The Spirit of The LORD. In The Mighty Name and Blood of The LORD Jesus Christ.  By The Power of The Blood of The LORD Jesus Christ. By the Move of The Holy Spirit.

The LORD is faithful. May He Remember you; according to His perfect plan, perfect will and perfect timing, as I continue to present before Him the prayer requests and the prayer petitions, that I have received and continue to receive through the e-mail.

May He do something New upon you. May He do something Fresh upon you.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances...”

Mathew 11: 28-30 ‘“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”’

John 8:36 ‘“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”’

Your Brother in Christ Jesus, and a Shepherd of The LORD,


Kevin Mirasi


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